
Ever thought you encountered paranormal activity?

by  |  earlier

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Ghosts, apparitions, voices, orbs, whatever. Any experiences you'd like to share?




  1. Yes, a front row parking space opened up at Walmart and 3 people drove by it so I got it!  Freaky!

  2. well for starters i can summon an orb of energy in my hands

  3. I never have, with the exception of "orbs" in a few photographs. But those are just flash reflections.

  4. Yea,  I was taking a bath in an old house in Lake Tahoe area when I went under to wash my hair. I felt a hand on my chest trying to hold me down. After a couple of other freaky occurrences like that I moved out of there.

  5. Once my mother was pushing me in my pram, this was when I was very young by the way. She had stopped to do something, I am not sure what, and heard my grandfather, who died before I was born, telling her to move me out of the way. She did so and as she did a cricket ball from a nearby field landed exactly where my pram was. From that day on she has known that my grandad has been looking after me.

  6. I have experienced paranormal activity all my life.  When we lived in a cape code style home (about 1920 era) near the University of Wash, it was haunted.  My 8 year old daughter saw a man in her room from the waste up who starred at her with anger;  I would hear a man with heavy shoes walking back and forth upstairs over our bdrm (checked it out once since only our two children were up there) and no one was there, etc ;all the activity stopped when the silverware drawer was pulled out and slammed shut in the middle of the night and I just turned over to sleep. :-)

  7. When I was about 8 years old I lived in an older house. That night the only people that were in the house were my younger sister, which slept shared my room at that time, and an elderly babysitter. I had always went to sleep with the hall light on. I heard a man's voice whisper "wake up", when I opened my eyes I saw the hall light flicker on and off several times, then I saw a large figure walk out of our room. To this day, I do not know who the figure was. But, I do know that it was not the babysitter, we used to call her Miss Little for a reason.

  8. yes i had ,but it's kind of sad to explain in here

  9. When I was little, I woke up and saw an electric-blue shape up in the corner of my bedroom. I remember that it had a semi-human shape no wings or anything like that, but I looked at it for a good 30-45 seconds, it never moved. I remember feeling a very warm, protected comfort. Someone later told me that I had see my guardian angle.

  10. When I was a child I saw my grandfather in my room- when he passed away.  He lived in a different state at the time. I was talking to him like he was right there.  My parents got the call that he passed away like an hour later.  I had been very close to him. I used to live in a house that I think was haunted. I moved out asap.....but there was goofy stuff that went on all the time.  My dog would growl at a certain corner in my bedroom- when there was nothing there.  He was often afraid to go in the room at all, and would hide in the bathroom.  I lived alone- and when I came home from work, I would find things had been moved, like, my cannisters would be arranged in a different way on the counter, or my CD's would be moved around.   There was a crazy night where I came home and the place was FILLED with flies.  I called my landlord, and in 1/2 hour they were all gone- who knows where.  It was so scarey, most of the time I stayed at a friends house.  The last straw, was when I was home one morning, and in the other room I heard a loud bang.  I ran to see what it was, and my rabbits cage was broken apart, on the floor, the rabbit loose, obviously something strong had shoved the whole cage off the table- the cage etc weighing about 40 pounds at least.  I packed up everything and moved out shortly after.  There was something odd in that house....which was, by the way over 100 years old.

  11. Don't think I did; know I did.

  12. A few I've already shared elsewhere in Y!A. Also seen an orange orb about the size of a basketball float by at above head height.

    My daughter's seen people that I couldn't see.

    I have psychic-ish experiences daily. Just little things all throughout the day that wouldn't wow a skeptic.

    Is anyone else tired of seeing TR around here?

  13. I got a green light at an intersection but this little voice told me not to go, so I didn't.  A speeding car shot thru the intersection, he ran his red light and would have killed me.  Still the little voice said not to go, so I didn't, and then another car shot thru...

    And one time I went out at some reefs I had been at for years, I was unbelievably scared for the only time in my life, I just kept getting more and more scared so I split and just as I was getting to shore a lifeguard on the cliff screams thru his megaphone, "Shark!!!"...well it was 3 killer whales that swam right by where I would have been diving.

  14. Yes I have first hand while I spent some time with Ed ) now deceased & Lorraine Warren.  It was a poltergist, not fun for the family with small children. Althoough I found it quite exciting.

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