
Every year on my Birthday (today)

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my mom makes me cry. Ever since I was 5 I can't remember a birthday that didn't end in tears because she thinks I messed something up. Like last year she said I stole something but she gave it to me like a year ago. I proved it to her by showing her the matching bracelet and she ended up making me cry. This year I turn 13, I was trying so very hard to do everything right even though my dad forgot my birthday and a couple of other things. Up until a little while ago like 7 of my friends had called and said happy birthday. And all asked the same question, so what did you get as your present? And I exclaimed to all of them the exact same thing, I didn't get one because I have everything I want already! And my mom asked me after my last friend called, Hey who just called? I told her and I told her about the conversation. Suddenly she says "WHAT! NO PRESENTS? ALL YEAR YOU'VE GOTTEN $300 (From my Cousins) AND A Wii (Which me and my bro paid for) AND YOUR GOING TO MICHIGAN ADVENTURES TOMORROW" I panicked because its pretty clear what would happen next, I begged her forgiveness and said I'm so sorry I forgot about those things, plus I thought the trip to Michigan adventures was canceled. And she said "SO NOW YOUR FRIENDS ARE GOING TO THINK WE ARE HORRIBLE PARENTS AND ______ IS GOING TO MAKE YOU A CAKE" ______ is Exclaiming my friend who said she wants to make me a cake, I told her I have one and she loves to cook so she said she wants to anyway (It's not like I didn't say no you don't have too it's fine I already have one, but I wasn't gonna shout and be mean I mean it's nice of her) Then I said "mom do you have to ruin every birthday?" and she said "Do you have to ruin my life?" and I burst out into tears because that really hurt my feelings and she started talking to my brother about how stupid I am pretending I wasn't there listening to her. So I went upstairs to my room, cried a lot and got it all out of my system and marched my butt down stairs and said "Mom, I'm sorry for how I acted and what I said." And she snickered and said "Yea right." What do I do I just don't think I should expect any good day on my birthday anymore or any day for that matter. So other than that how should I make her happy again?




  1. Awww, happy b-day anyway, even though your mean mom had to ruin it. Stop trying to make her happy. Sounds like a losing battle if you ask me. You sound like a great kid and your mom should be ashamed how she treats you. Chin up, honey, life gets better.

  2. I am sorry for you, my wife and I have never did that to our 2 kids, I may not do the things I did before I had kids, Like stock car races and the big trips I used to take, But I love my kids and would not change anything. Just try to bite your tongue and when you turn 18 move out.

  3. My goodness that is awful..It is really a shame that you have such a S****y mom.  I am so sorry I would take you under my wing and give you the life you deserve if I could! However, things just don't work that way.  So if I were you quit kissing her butt.  You need to express your true feelings to her about the way she makes you feel.  Have you done so?  Does your dad intervene any?  Doesn't really sound like it but all I can say is quit apologizing to her for something you didn't do just to make her happy.  Eventually she will feel the pain of what she has done.  Just remember what goes around comes around.  Good luck to you sweetheart!

  4. Girl, This sucks. I am so sorry. I hope that everything works out it the end.

    My birthday's tomarow, and i cant do anything cause im grounded.

    its like, d**n, parents should be able to cut kids slack.

    but its not always fair.

    just do your best in school, so you can raise your children better.

    happy birthday by the way!

  5. I feel bad for you. Your mom sounds like a woman that never should have had children.

  6. what a *********...

  7. sorry to hear what u are xeperiencing hun, what's up w/ parenst today, i am reading so many posts today about parents treating their kids horribly, or not supporting their kids, and these poor kids are hurting so much, i have no idea why! but hun i hope everything works out for u, take care!

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