
Everybody Out There Please Help Me?

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everyone out there i am a babysitter for a kid named Anthony James Johnson who is 6 and he is a little brat he is so mean to me i need Advice please




  1. 1.let him go to sleep early

    2.if a friend comes dont let him or call if its true tv and make him read a book or bring some

  2. First of all, you should take the kid's full name off the internet unless you have permission from his parents.

    Second, be more specific, so you can get better answers.

    If he's just mean, then try being really really nice to him. That will make him feel like he should be nice to you. Don't give him a reason to be mean to you.

  3. You should really take his full name out of your question. How long have you been babysitting for this child? If you've only just started give him some time to get used to you, maybe he's not used to having a babysitter and that is why he's acting out. what so you mean by he's mean, what does he do? Easier to answer if you give examples.

  4. First, remove his full name from your question. Make sure your protect people's identities.

    And you don't have to babysit him. But, if you choose to do so, try to catch him doing good things. Or confront him.

    I taught piano lessons for 25 years, and I had one particular student who just seemed to love hurting my feelings. One day I asked her if she was trying to hurt my feelings, and she was taken back by my question. She didn't answer me, but she was never rude again.

    You could also try catching him doing good things, although this might be really hard. When he does anything good, tell him about it. If he's quiet for a minute, tell him he did a good job being quiet.

    I think your best bet, though, is finding out what he likes. Does he play electronic games? If he plays Wii, play with him. Take some of your favorite games to play with him. If he likes riding his bike, take your bike and ride with him.

    Hang in there. If you want to be his sitter, you may figure it out yet. :)

  5. He's 6 and he could be trying to press your bottons and see how far he can get with you...try to fun acttivies...IE water gun fight and other things. Keep him busy...but  I have to agree give better details and I would take his name off just because if someone knows who you are and knows this child you may be out of a job.

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