
Evidence of foot detox patch??

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has anyone seen any HARD evidence of foot detox patch, not just THEY WORK OR THEY'RE A SCAM, but actual studies that suggest one or the other?




  1. Here is a scientific test!

    They ARE a scam!

  2. For some reason I think its a scan too.So yes I agree with you! Anything for money! RIGHT!!

  3. A fool and their money are soon parted. SCAM!

  4. They do NOT work. I saw a consumer report show on one of the major morning news shows and they said do not waste your money that they do not work.

  5. Detoxing is a myth. It is an idea that was never backed by science but by companies selling scam products. Look into it through reputable sources of information and don't waste your money. Just eat healthy, exercise and your body takes take of foreign and undesireable substances on its own.

  6. They don't work. What happens is, your body loses moisture as you are sleeping. You get the foot pads a little wet, it turns brown. It was on the news, it's a scam. Don't waste your money.

  7. I don't

  8. these DO work...

    Western Medicine and Western Culture do not support it, but yes, they do work.  It will pull toxins and turn brown for the first few days then lighten up after about a week or two of use.  It heals all sorts of pain, muscle stiffness, fatigue.

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