
Evil is stronger than good?

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We are always led to believe that good will always win through, being stronger. I disagree.

There are so many good people in the world, yet the bad ones have all the power and control. They keep doing extremely bad things, killing millions of people, destroying the earth and manipulating nations.

If good is going to win through, when is that??

It seems to me that the very bad things, such as dictatorships and mass murder continue over and over again in waves. There seems to be no stopping it. When it ends, years go by then it begins again in another country.

Despite the strength of feeling in those that are good and wish to stop the bad, they are effectively powerless against it.

As far as I can see, evil is stronger than good.




  1. Could be... Obama is doing quite well in his run for Emperor of the World

  2. Everyone is corruptible, that's why we need laws, Constitutions, Bill's of Rights, etc, and that's how the people with all the money can corrupt others, but they can't corrupt all the people, so they concentrate on the ones who make our laws, so they can control the masses, that why they say when something happens 'just follow the money trail', because our lives are being directed by the corrupt, there would be plenty for all in this world if it wasn't for 'corruption'.

  3. The good guys take their time because revenge is sweet - you don't wanna rush it

  4. It only seems evil is winning. We hear more about evil then we do good. In the end good will win.

  5. Ultimately, evil is self-destructive.

  6. You may be powerless. I'm not--and neither are many other decent people.

    Don't judge others by your own inadequacies.  We do not and will not live down to your level of failure.

    Look at what happened over the last few years in America. We got attacked. Tragic to be sure. Most Americans simply set about to deal with the problem.

    But a bunch of whiners on the right didn't believe that a god nation could survive. The have spent 7 years clamoring for  torture, restricting individual freedom and attacks against anyone they perceive as a potential threat, whether there is any substance to their fears or not.

    Why? because they don't believe that good has any power. So they whine for a dictator. And almost got one.

    That is what you have turned yourself into. There is no "good" in you. The good knows its own strength and is not afraid. Certainly not of you.

  7. True- Devil sucked our lives. It is useless to think of any religion now.

    Devil rules and we are followers.

  8. you are forgetting the ultimate reward for being good. Besides look at what happens to these evil people.

    Look at what happened to Saddam, very undignified. And look what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer - he was raped by a mop pole and killed in prison

  9. Sure?


    With the Book of the Dead?

    What can the dead do?

    Was dead and buried was long gone with time?

    Look in the real world.

    With the cave-men living in misery from the twilight zone .

    Could not even survive in the real world in different time zone.

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy with the Book of the Dead.

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  10. I understand where your coming from, may seem that evil always gets the perks and rewards in life.

    But we dont see what the good receive...this is becuase people have to commit evil in order to receive their rewards.

    But in the long run, the good are rewarded with eternity in heaven. The evil will spend an eternity in h**l after living a short life of rewards and perks.

  11. The success of evil over good is very ephemeral but the triumph of good is as certain as the inevitability of death.

  12. I believe Edward Burke said it first.",,,All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

  13. It may be hard to see it, often nearly impossible, but the truth of the matter is that we have made tremendous strides in the efforts to eradicate disease, feed the poor throughout the world, and generally improve conditions around the world in recent decades. While it is much easier to see evil as being the dominant force - because it leads headlines in news, for one - we would have to compare the present with the past to gain a reasonable perspective on the overall give and take.

    We live in an age where help is on the way even before many disasters strike at home (America, in my case) and around the world. Improved technology offers us the ability to know when and where problems - such as droughts, tsunamis, and cyclones - will strike, and where countries would once have been left only with whatever resources they had to deal with problems such as this, now the world rushes in aid whenever things like this occur. It is true that evil is rampant, but if you also look for positives in how we interact, there is much good to see as well.

  14. Good always prevails in the long run.

  15. there was a quote - all it takes for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing

    I wish I could remember who it was from

    Cheers - Burke then

  16. No, they are in permanent and unchangeable balance, they have to be.

  17. The UK and the US prevailed over the n**i's who destroyed 12 million people

    The West conquered the USSR who were guilty of enslaving millions and slaughtered at least 20 million.

    We are beating the terrorists in Iraq.

    The French Revolution threw out the monarchy.

    The cops solve more murders than are gotten away with, most violent crimes are solved.

    It is fatalistic and factually incorrect to say that evil is stronger than good.

    Evil almost never prevails.

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