
Evolution the eyes have it?

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If you were a german in the year 1936, you would be under the impression that the jews were a less evovled species.

All your text books would account for this.

All your scientist would continue to proove evidnece on a daily basis confirming this, in fact its what they spent all their time doing, finding and showing more proof how jews were little more than apes, and how the ******* man was a little bit more advanced than a jew but still close to an ape.

So, with all the mountains of evidence, scientific, lifestyle, and political, your conclusion would be that yes the jewish man was an ape, he was a pathogen, infectious, and why not wish him his extermination.Seeing as this is what all the science at the time would have confirmed, how could it have not have been true?

If your work would only get funding if you include the words to proove evolution,or climate cahnge by c02, how long would it take you to proove it and defend it with every breath you had, (ask a german scientist)...




  1. No,Blacks and Jews are just great, Its those d**n Yankees that's not evolved enough yet.well .that's my opinion and my opinion is a good as anyones,and also its written in many southern school text books that Yankees are much closer, dna wise. to monkeys then we Southerners are, i reckon,har de har de har ha ha ha

  2. But the evidence in those German textbooks was made up, or altered considerably. A person who was to seriously question that evidence, which is our responsibility as scientists, if not thinking individuals, would see that. A person seriously questioning the evidence today on, say global warming, might find that there is something to that evidence. He might find that it is solid.

    What do you tell that guy? Do you tell him that since sometimes evidence is made up and not challenged, that all evidence is untrustworthy? I wouldn't.

    You are misapplying historical precedent.

  3. There is some truth to what you say about global warming.  That has clearly polluted what used to be called scientific.  They have done great damage by adopting a dim-witted politician as the spokesman that doesn't let facts get in the way of any wild proclamation.  

    What you are saying about evolution is not the same.  Evolution is not a theory.  It is a fact as much as the Earth is not flat.  There is no doubt that animals have changed over time.  That is the definition of evolution.  

    Life has existed as bacteria for the vast majority of time where life has existed on the planet.  The nonsense about no new species needs to account for the fact that we aren't bacteria.  There are several examples of species radiating from a single ancestor into vast numbers of different species.  There is DNA evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that not only are we related to other animals but we are also descended from common ancestors.  There may be more to humans but that is a religious question but it doesn't extend to their physical bodies.  The body is clearly descended from other lifeforms like all other life.

  4. In other words science is a religion based upon faith in unprovable theories that change with the times..

    evolution is a religions and there is no proof of either it or global warming.  

    Funny how the ones who are so quick to say religion, particularly Christianity is for the weak and faith is dumb, exhibit the same reliance on their own religion of man worship.

    The only difference is the Bible remains unchanged and has not only stood the test of time but has been pr oven accurate way ahead of its time.  Yet we cant use last decades science book because it is out of date and foolish..............

  5. Jews were often the "middlement" of Europe.  Middlemen were bankers and merchants that took a profit from providing services.  Because middlemen are typically more wealthy than many of the local populations, they are often dispised as were the Jews, the Hutsis (or was it the Tutsis), and the ethnic Chinese in Vietnam.  It was this predudice that led to idiotic conclusions.  Obviously Jews and other middlemen are the same as everyone else and do provide a useful service.  It is the ignorant and closed minded that think otherwise.

  6. Huh?  To tell the truth, I am not that knowledgable about the German society of that time.

    However, I would like to point out that so many Ashkenazi's (Jews) lived in Germany that it is almost impossible for any German to NOT have Jewish blood in his veins.  The Germans at that time knew this; so, by reasoning, Germans would have had to have been "part ape".

    Also, the British had the same basic ideas about Chinese and blacks!

    As to "evololution"; it remains a theory.  No one has ever found any evidence of one species turning into another.

    It is, simply put, "hogwash".

  7. You seem to forget that n**i Germany was a totalitarian dictatorship. What the rulers said went. I doubt that everyone was inclined to think it true, though. My conclusion would have been no such thing, as you seem confused about human learning, too.

    I think you need to rethink your weak position.

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