
Eww, talk about bad breath... =(?

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Do you people out there know how to get rid of bad breath?

Although I have great oral hygiene, my breath is rather yucky -_-




  1. Brush your teeth with a good brand of toothpaste (ex. Colgate)

    use listerine after you brush (try to at least brush twice a day or after each meal).

    There's a toothbrush that has like a tongue cleaner (360 something) try using that one. with the cleaner side clean the cheek sides and tongue.

  2. Breath mints, my brothaaa.

    Or like..brushing your teeth?

    ,but I'm sure you do that.


    Do you use mouthwash?

    That should help somee..

    Minty gum!


    Talk to a dentist.

    They might request something.

  3. what do you eat? Go to the denist you could have a bacterial infection in your teeth

  4. Invest in a tongue scraper and drink plenty of water.

  5. Unfortunately, some people have inherently bad breath through a condition called, "Halitosis". Next time you visit your dentist, ask he/she if they would suggest any particular mouthwashes that aid in the prevention of Halitosis, or maybe they could even prescribe you something. Until then, make sure you floss once a day and brush you tongue.

    Good Luck!  

  6. I know how you feel.  I have had problems with my teeth and my breath for years.  I had it all done, cleanings every 3 months, brushing my tongue and even Rx washes and paste...  Still the plaque on my teeth continued to build shortly after my cleanings and the bad taste in my mouth came back quckley after cleanings.  

    I finally found a tooth paste/dental line not sold in stores and it works better than I could have imagined.  I had my last dental visit for one of my 3 month's cleanings and I was in the chair for less than 10 minutes, but what I noticed most was within 2 weeks of using this new line my breath was better and my teeth were much whiter.  My hygenist was so impressed she called the dentist in to look.  Both of them were just so releived and happy.  They actually never heard of the line and made me go home and show it to them.  Low and behold they are trying it!

    I am using the dental line from a company called Melaleuca.  This tooth polish is patented and guaranteed to remove plaque and it really does, by removing hard plaque this keeps the stains off of your teeth and naturally keeps your breath cleaner and fresher.  Plus there is a natural antiseptic action from the Melaleuca oil that heals periodontal disease and releives bleeding gums almost immediately.  I have turned so many people on to this product including my brother who was about to have the gum surgery because his teeth and gums were so bad.  My brother no longer needs gum surgery because of this tooth paste.  Best of luck, if I can be of further help don't hesitate to email me.

  7. there are lots of bad breath causes in the list like dirty mouth, lack of oral hygiene, dry mouth, medications, cavities, gum disease, medications and other related illness especially in the stomach. the best thing to do to be able to eliminate bad breath is to be able to determine the cause of it, and be able to know what can prevent it as well as the appropriate treatments for it. seek the help of dental expert. he may find the answer to your quest for bad breath eliminators.

    know that chewing gums and mints can add up to the bad breath problem since they have sugar. try using an all natural oral care for it does contain sugar for bad bacteria to feed on and speed up production. keep your mouth salivated and hydrated by drinking adequate amount of water. for more tips to get rid of bad breath visit

  8. brush your tounge.

  9. it helps if you brush your tongue,

    thats the where the stink comes from, not your teeth believe it or not,

    try mouth washing for 30 seconds that helps,

    and make sure you floss,

    because stinky bacteria and food can get stuck there and start to stink

    and the listerine tongue strips help alot,

  10. You can buy a tooth paste that gets rid of that.

    Or you can brush your tongue really good.

  11. Use Listerine twice daily and of course brush your teeth and tongue twice daily. Also, use sticks of gum to help you get through the rest of the day.

  12. flossing and using mouthwash helps alot. brushing your tounge works too.  

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