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whats the weirdest thing you eat ketchup with?

I eat it with; pepperoni, mac & cheese, pizza, eggs, fritos sausage, grilled cheese, bacon & plain! Yum....ketchup is my favorite food.

Its in adolecence because I want to know if other teens are like me.




  1. i eat it with bacon grilled cheese and eggs

  2. I used to dip Saltine Crackers in ketchup. It's good. Lol. =]

  3. I eat mine with eggs, mac n cheese, pizza, grilled cheese, sausage, meatloaf, turkey, sandwiches. thatss it! lol!

    Good question.

  4. I love Ketchup too...

    w/t Doritos...French fried onions in the can mmm...Bar-b-q chips

    I love it with bacon too BURNT bacon:)...Fried pickles...Squash..ham...I also like it on eggs...I have loved Ketchup ever since I was a little girl Im now 19,and nothings changed lol:)  KETCHUP RULEZZZZZ:)

  5. hmmm, my two year old eats his with oranges

  6. I can't stand it myself

  7. Nothing is better then ketchup!!

  8. I only eat ketchup with meatloaf/hamburgers and fries. I dont eat it with weird food, although almost all the foods you mentioned are quite normal, or at least other people eat those foods with ketchup as well, because I've heard of them before.

  9. I use it with fish and eggs

  10. Well I don't like Ketchup but I do eat raw fish in almost any form, from fish eggs to fish eye balls. SUSHI RULES!!!!!

  11. Ketchup is sick!

  12. Ketchup with FISH!

  13. I dont eat ketchup but my cousin does the same exact thing

  14. i put ketchup just on fries sandwhiches burgers and hot dogs nothing else but my friend she puts some on her icecream and on chocolate cake ewww

  15. I LOOOVVVEEE ketchup with fish lightly grilled....mmmm.

    but did u know, there is more sugar in ketchup than in ice cream.

    i'm a ketchup fan too, but just a heads up


  16. all normal, i think

  17. I don't like ketchup, but I used to love it when I was little. Once I put it on some chocolate, which was pretty gross.
You're reading: Ewwwwwwwwwww....?

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