
Ex boyfriend question....should i..??

by  |  earlier

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OK i dated my ex boyfriend twice and he was the first guy that i slept with. Then we broke up the second time and i was devestated. I was able to get over it with the help of my now ex boyfriend. So now im back hanging out with my old friends and i just made up with him. Its hard cause i think im starting to like him again, i guess i never got over him. Im really confused is it worth the heartache again or should i just forget about it, be friends and move on?




  1. Ok I think you have answered your own question.

    You need to meet new blokes so you aren't around these same few that keep dragging you back for more heartache.

    Better yet, I'm assuming your young, too young for boys enjoy fun with your friends and worry about men when your older.

  2. Don't go back to him. And if you can't be his friend without letting your feelings get into the way, take him out of your life. It is hard, but I've been there I know. Life is so much better when you don't have the added stress of an ex.

  3. do what your heart says and follow it because it knows what you want

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