
Ex email???

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ok my ex and i broke up 2 years ago and after we broke up we remained friends and would sometimes hook up (kiss). i found out that he now has a new girlfriend (he didnt tell me) which ill admit hurts a bit because i still love him...he still calls me every now and then even though hes in a relationship...i just told him to stop calling me and texting me because its the only way that i can move on and get my mind off of him...well its been over a month and my ex decided to email me wishing me a happy valentines day..why do you think he emailed me this when i've told him to stop calling me?? what's his reasoning for this?? also, do you think i should reply to his email?? if yes, what should i say?? should i be cold or nice?




  1. not mess with him and DO NOT E-mail HIM NO NO NO

  2. he might just miss you...or he just wants to "hook up" as you said it. i don't think you should reply to it. hes just dragging you along. forget about him, i know its hard. but it will be the best for you in the long run.

  3. He is just keeping you around as a back up, in case things don't  work out with any new lady's.

    As long as you hang on willing to except him back you are reinforcing his behavior.

    He should no longer be a part of your reality. You need to block him out totally and find someone new to fill your needs.

    Sorry if this sounds cold, it just the way it works.

  4. he's keeping in contact with you to mess with your head: my advice is that you not contact him at all. you two are over, its time for you to move on.

  5. All One answered it perfectly. He is just keeping you around so he won't ever be lonely. That is not fair to you, because in the end it just ends up hurting you. It is preventing you from moving on. So while you are there being single, he is with someone else, but knows if it doesn't work out, he can just call you. You are better than that. Find someone who truly appreciates you.
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