
Excel cell format problem?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question yesterday. I need to put a lot of words (maybe 400+ words) into one single excel cell. The problem is not all of them are shown in the cell, but I can see them in the tool bar. The "wrap text" function is selected. Please help!




  1. I believe that with excel 2003 (and below) the max # of characters displayed is limited to 1024 (even though you can enter up around 32K characters in the cell.

    excel 2007 does not have this limitation (it will display all chars. you enter)

  2. If you have Wrap Text checked, then it should be showing all the words.  You can also adjust the column and row size by using the slider.  Just put your mouse between the letters at the top or the numbers on the left and when you get the slider icon, just click and drag the row or column to the size you want.

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