
Exchange students hot?

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Something I've noticed in school is that everyone always seems to be hopelessly attracted to any foreign exchange student that comes. What's up with that? Is it just the exotic appeal of someone from another part of our planet, or are they all really that hot lol?




  1. LOL I've hosted 13 exchange students (12 boys) and the reaction has been the same to almost all of them -- no matter what they look like. I think it's partially the accent and partially the fact they are "different" and so a bit "dangerous". Of course many Europeans also come with a bit of a edge, as things illegal for teens in this country are legal for them in their countries!

  2. We aren't that hot, but we are foreign, and that is hot.  I've been on both sides of the equation and I find that it is far easier to have a girl find you 'interesting' when you have large cultural differences.
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