
Exotic birds?10 points to answer?

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i have 2 brazilian cardinals and 2 blue grey tanagers and i want to know i they can be put in the same cage it is a big parrot cage




  1. Not a good idea. Most likely they will fight. Should never mix different species of birds. If really want or have to let them around each other supervised for a week or so and see how they interact. I would be safer than sorry though. Good luck

  2. you might try having them interact for a while, like have their cages up against each other, before buying a whole cage and introducing them. its going to depend greatly on the temperament of the individual birds. there really is no strait answer, but odds are that if they have been living separate for a very long time they wont take to having new roomates very well.

  3. I would not try that for fear of the lives of each bird. They could fight and you may not be able to stop them in time.  

  4. You could try it, just be very observant for a week or so to make sure they aren't getting agressive.

    Also keep in mind that if they get along well now, things might change when they feel like breeding, and they might not be so friendly towards each other! So just hang on to a second cage in case it becomes an issue.

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