
Experienced boston terrier people?

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Candi was born the first week of May. I moved 2 weeks after I got her and now she has lost all interest in house breaking. When we were living with my mom she rarely had an accident and used the pee pads when she couldn't get out. Now that we are in the new house she pees and poops where ever she wants, even right beside the pad!

Why is she doing this and what can I do to help re-train her. One good thing is that she doesn't use the bathroom in her crate! HELP




  1. Put her on a schedule & take her outside. Crate her at night & when your away from home. Clean the carpets.

  2. Can you train her to go outside, instead of on the pads? If there is any tiny spot where the urine might have run off the pad or leaked through onto the floor, when she smells that she will urinate there. Any accidents need to be cleaned up with a good enzymatic cleaner.

    Using the pads in the house can be confusing to a dog, because in their heads it means it's "ok" to pee & p**p in the house. If your house is not brand-new and there were pets living there before that had accidents, even if you can't smell it, she can.  It's good that she's not going in her crate--with consistent effort she will stop going in the house too.  Good luck.

  3. There may have been another dog in house before you moved to the new place.  She is smelling that he was there and eliminating where he probably did.  The first thing I would do is steam clean the carpet with a pet enzyme solution to remove the smell from the other dog(s).  Keep your dog crated when you are not there to directly supervise her, and take her outside immediately once you get home or after she eats.  When she is home with you and not in her crate, keep a leash on her and tie it to your belt, that way whenever she has to go to the bathroom, you will be aware of it immediately, so you can take her out.  Patience is the key!   Do not scold her after she goes because then she will just hide to go to the bathroom.  If you see her start to squat, make a loud noise to interrupt her and take her outside, immediately.  Hope this helps.

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