
Experimental band of the day?

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Well I chose a newer band today called Animal Collective. I think they are great and have a pretty unique sound.

I probably won't get many answers but here are some links to a few great songs by them:

For Reverend Green



The first two are off their new album Strawberry Jam, which might be my new favorite album of theirs.

So comment/discuss if you want, hope you like them.

Oh and if you didn't see my last question I asked, here's another great experimental band to check out.;_ylt=AteHJgP3vX30VtT8.lg8p7jsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080826130549AAyyPIF




  1. Cool. I have heard of this band, but have never heard any of their songs. I liked the first one a bit more than the second or third ones. They certainly do have a unique sound. None of their songs really sound alike. But Its a little to strage for me, I have to say. I don't know if I could handle listening to that for a long period of time. Its very interesting though.

    I can't wait for your next experimental band!

  2. I like them a lot. Very unique. I think Grass is my favorite out of the three but they all are great. I'll definitely listen to them more. Thanks. :)

  3. For Reverend Green that goes alright!!

  4. On "For Reverend Green" the vocals on just that one song remind me of Robert Smith of The Cure kind of, with some screams added in there.

    The music is defiantly unique I would have to give it a few more listens to really identify what MEDI stuff they are using but there are some pretty cool sounds in there, pretty creative. it’s a little under-progressive for my taste, it kind of lacks Changes it’s like they pick one theme and just beat the h**l out of it, but overall it’s good. My favorite Experimental band as I am sure everyone knows is Bungle and I have heard people say similar things about them but THEY MAKE NOISE ON PURPOSE, and THEY DO REDUNDANT STUFF on purpose Patton is Obsessed with MAKING NOIESE so I guess its all about personal preference

  5. Ok. Those were some very great songs. I will seriously consider getting this band's records.

    Each one of those songs were kind of like mini-operas by themselves. Amazing out of tune guitars and singing with emotion on each song. The screams made it sound more energetic. Each time I listened to one of those, I got happy and excited. Thank you for this great band.

  6. Aninal Collective are great - and very bizarre when you see them live.

    Sung Tongs is my favourite album.

    If you want to hear even more experimental stuff (almost to the point of unlistenability), try Sunburned Hand of the Man

  7. Wow, Ok, I really really liked all of those songs. They're all so different sounding - I thought when I heard For Reverend Green, that was what their 'sound' would be, but no - they go and do two completely different songs! I am definitely going to get an album of theirs if I can get my hands on it, thanks. :)

  8. i like animal collective's studio stuff, but i saw them live once and it was honestly one of the worst shows i have seen for various reasons. still, with the type of music they play, its hard to translate it to a live show.

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