
Expert Bird Question!?!?!?!?!?!

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What kind of conures and parrots breed all year long that sell for 100 dollars or over. Please give me the most that you think of.

I will give a five star review for the best answer!!!!!!!!!!





  1. It sounds to me that you want to make a parrot-mill (parrot-mills are illegal breeding of birds by forcing them to breed constantly for profit). If this is what you want, then I strongly suggest you find another way to make money!

    It's cruel & discusting to buy "conures and parrots breed all year long that sell for 100 dollars or over." Why don't you buy a chicken instead.

    No luck for you. There are NO parrots or birds in the world that breed all year round. Maybe a Pheonix! LOL Get a life man.

  2. all parrots and conures retail for over $100.

    If you don't know the answer to this question, you have no business trying to breed birds.

    There are too many abused, mistreated, and neglected birds in this world.. we don't need backyard breeders contributing to the ever growing pet over population problem.

    I'm sure walmart is hiring!

  3. there is no parrot , that breeds all year long each and every type of parrot down to a parakeet have thier breeding season.  usually in the spring  , lovebirds have breeding season 4 times a year , parakeets can breed year around depending on the situtation sun conures or any conure all have different times of the year . .including big parrots .. please  really do  think long and hard on breeding i know you asked what parrot is able ot breed year in and year out  and truely none do. but please remeber right now there is so many rescues filling up with  pet birds because of the housing crisis , and people cant take them with them ,  

  4. Breeding animals for profit is cruel and disgusting.  Get a job!

  5. If you are going to breed birds do a LOT of research. Birds don't just lay eggs and they hatch it takes a lot of time and money. Too many birds are bred incorrectly and results in a deformed sick pet. So if you don't know the answer to this question and you are thinking of BREEDING birds for profit Get a Life.

  6. I'm not too concerned you will turn into a parrot breeding mill.  If you don't know the answer to the question outright, you probably don't have enough information to properly set up a bird for breeding.  You might even get chicks but no one will buy a parrot you have not handfed.  Your assuming bird breeding is easy... I'll let you keep thinking that.


    Edit:  Really?  Quakers are only $75???  Where can I get a dark eyed yellow at the price?  Please tell me, oh great knowledgeable one...

  7. cockatiels or cockatoos ae great birds that are expensive i know

  8. regular SUN conures are the most expensive u could buy out of this breed...Sunday on the other hand which are a mix between sun and jenday conure are also one of the high priced conures because of all their beautiful colors.

  9. There are several:

    However, please do not rant at me for this.  Some birds will sell for more at some stores and sites, and some sell for less.


    -Green cheeked conure

    -quaker parrots

    -sun conure

    -Amazon parrots

    -scarlet macaw   (You need a liscense to own and another to breed for the scarlet macaw and the blue and gold macaw)

    -blue and gold macaw

    -And yes, Phoenixes can go for 1,000,000 or more! (just kidding, but look at me name)

    This is the most that I came up with, though there are several more.

    Be careful with your birds--I always say this, because mine just died.  Take care of them.

    Best of luck,


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