
Expired baby formula HELP

by  |  earlier

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i had ran out of my sons normal powder formula, so i used some liquid formula i had been given about 2 months ago from his dr. i had fixed him 2 8 oz bottles after i had realized that it expired 7/09/2008 so i immediatly threw it out... my son hasnt been acting any different but do you think i should bring him to the dr just to be safe?




  1. I think he'll be fine.  If your worried call the doctor in the am and see what they have to say.  If it was bad it would of hit him very fast.  

  2. No, he should be o.k.. If he begins to act different, then yes take him in.  The expiration date is usually a "sell by" date, the actual date it is no longer good, varies.

  3. hey i see by your name you are married to a soldier, my husband is in the marines and I am in the army, so we are family some how! : ) lol anyway, don't worry about it, if he is acting normal it's ok, just keep watching him for the night and see how his bowl movements are.

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