
Explaning Please!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest59371  |  earlier

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today we were in science class and my teacher asked people where did they go over the summer, then someone raised their hand and said charleston, SC and then i felt werid and cold, i had the feeling of super natural come across my mind, so i decided to go home and google it, it turns out its a very haunted place, can someone please explain, what happened? i never heard of the place in my life until now!




  1. Have you seen the movie "Silent Hill"?  Creepy.  Take a look.

  2. Wrong section!

    Anyways, perhaps you have heard of this place, but the memory has been lost from your conscious mind. That is, the name is still in your brain, but you can't actually access it while _thinking_. Only your unconscious and subconscious mind know it.

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