
Extended PRD in the Navy?

by  |  earlier

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if it's your 1st tour, your command can request to extend you passed your PRD, right? but, dont they need to tell the sailor about it first? opinions PLEASE!!!

and if anyone has the actual "rule" please write it out for me.

Thank you to anyone who knows the answer here.




  1. I have been in-voluntarily extended twice.

    It sucked. I complained and I took it to the Commanding Officer.

    My chief had signed a page in my service record saying that I had been informed and that I consented. But he lied and never said a word about it.

    The command did not care. In the Navy you are a piece of equipment, they will work you until you break.

    My department head told me that enlisted are peasants, and the aristocrats do not care about the peasants. He was right.

    I included this information into my daily vocabulary. I reminded EVERYONE that my chief lied. For 2 years I did this.

    What could they do?

    My department head ordered me to stop once, I told him that I refuse to lie for him. I insisted that I must only speak truth. After a week of refusing to lie for him, He finally stopped trying to give me that order. But only because it was always in public, and others were asking him what lie he was ordering me to say.

    Finally the command allowed me to go away.

    Their lies and mis-treatment had gotten to ugly for them to face everyday I was in the passageway.

    Many times I have stood outside the CO’s office and screamed about their lies and mistreatment. Speaking only truth!

  2. yes they can extend if they are scheduled to be deployed or about to be deployed.  they don't need his permission.  

  3. They can extend you if you're deployed or if your job is mission critical.  And by the way, they do have to let you know.

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