
Extremely tough decision. HELP?!?

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i live with my mom in georgia and my dad lives in another state. i can't decide what i should do for college. i would love to go live with my dad and go to college there, but out of state expenses are outrageous.

if i were to live with my dad and go to college there, i would be near a major metropolitan area and i would get to live with my dad and make up for all the lost years in which we have lost valuable time. however, if i do so, i'm afraid i'll collect astronomical amounts of debt which i will be paying for atleast 10 years.

on the other hand, i could stay here with my mom in georgia and go to a local community college for the first 2 years, then tranfer to where my dad is. in georgia, if you have atleast a 3.0 gpa, the HOPE scholarship will pay all of your tuition.

the only downfall to staying in ga is that i will lose 2 MORE years with my dad. by then, i'll be 20 years old.

i know i'm the only one who can make this decision, but could anyone offer any advice? Please




  1. This should be about your education. Set your feelings aside and think about what is best for you.

    In the meantime if you decide to stay and go to school where you are maybe you or your dad could travel to see eachother more often, living with him after such a long time might take a lot of getting used to and may not be as great as it sounds....

    Think about what is best for you education wise... after all your dad will always be your dad no matter where you are.

  2. I understand your dilemma.  How about take the stab at the affordable education via the Hope scholarship and live with your mom.Then go to summer school (and or winter sessions if they have them )in the state where your dad lives!  This is the best of both worlds! You can easily get help as a visiting student!  Just think of the great possibilities!

    Affordable education! Experience a new beginning with your Dad! Broaden your educational horizons and hone your social skills! Mom does not get left out! Lastly...You are not in

    great debt! Out of school sooner!

  3. If I had the choice of going to college for free, or having a huge amount of debt when I finished, I would probably go with free.  If you work really hard and take classes during the summer, you could probably finish up a four year degree in three years.  Then, you could always move in with your dad and look for a job in the area.

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