
Eye Twitch- How to stop it?

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For the last couple of weeks the lower lid of my right eye keeps twitching off and on for long periods of time and it's driving me bananas.

Anyone know what could possibly be causing this and how to make it stop?

Many thanks!




  1. Could be due to a magnesium deficiency.  There is plenty of magnesium in nuts.

  2. bells paulsy

  3. Toxicity of some substance...

    Could be a constituent in foods eaten that one's body isn't capable of dealing with, a prescribed or oner-the-counter medication, or a food additive/preservative.

    Caffiene & theophyline are in what are considered foods/drinks, but neither has any nutritive value, & are not substances that the body is designed to handle.  So, they tend to build up, & eventually cause various symptoms---including headaches, &, mental disorders in some people.

  4. I believe this is caused from excessive use of caffeine and being tired, do you drink a lot of coke or coffee? I have cut back on my caffiene intake and try to get a bit more sleep. It worked for me. Good luck I know  what you mean when you say it drives you banana's.

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