
Eye peircing question?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to get my eyebrow peirced but i hear about the whole left is straight and right is g*y but my problem is my bangs fall over my left eye so no one would be able to see it but my right one is completly open........ any ideas/ help i want to see if peircing my right will be fine i am bi but i dont want my parents to find out




  1. fck your mom.

  2. right is g*y left is straight?

    I think that's for guys and ear piercings... I haven't heard that since the 90s. :\

    Does it matter?

  3. Well if you didnt want your parents to know i would do left but i wouldent anyway because if you got attacked then thats a great way to get you!

  4. if you put it in the left it would be kinda kool...because im sure your not going to want people to see it all the time. like if you go to a job interview or a funeral or if you get married...and you will get a lot of attintion "omg you have your brow pierced!!!" and left is striaght!

  5. wow i must be g*y cause all my piercings are on my right  

  6. Wow.  Don't get your eye brow pierced.  Your parents will find out!!!!  Trust me.  It's on your face!!!!  And it's completely retarded to think the left or right is a g*y thing.  You must be young.

  7. just don't get it pierced. gosh it will probably hurt! and it looks weird anyway.

  8. You should pierce your left if you don't want your parents to find out because then they wont be able to see it. Right=g*y straight=left is all **** anyway.

  9. The whole left and right thing is so lame. Nobody cares where it is, just put it wherever you want. I honestly haven't heard of the right/left g*y thing since I was in grade school.  

  10. i think the right and left rule follows for boys because when boys get piercings on their right ear it means their g*y for girls it doesn't apply do you understand?

  11. i dont think which side its on matters anymore.  my sister got hers done on her left because at her job she is not allowed to have them and her bangs cover it up. when she told me she got it done i was like omg that is the ugliest thing you could get, but when i saw it, i was surprised that it was pretty cute!!! i might get one!!!  i would just get it on whichever side you feel like, i wouldn't worry about it.

  12. Don't pay attention to that 'one side is g*y' c**p. Get your peircings whereever you want them too.  

  13. you can do either of 2 things

    1.  you can get teh right pierced, i dont think many people go by the left is straight right is g*y thing anymore, unless its a guy, girls can do whichever


    2.  you can always try to get your bangs to fall to the right

    every night bobby pin them to the right for about a week or so

    and they should start falling that way

    goodluck (:

  14. I always heard the opposite, but it does not matter really, no one does that anymore I don't think

  15. don't get it pierced. thats just weird.

  16. dude your parents don't know about the whole left right thing anyway.

    oh, btw no one plays by those rules anymore.

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