
Eye twitching!!?

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Lately for the past 6 months my eyes been twitching badly. I try to sleep often i take 4 hour naps in the day time, plus all the stress my girlfriend gives me every day, maybe thats the reason. My right eye lid sorta vibrates or twitches and its annoying when I talk to people! What can I do? What should I do? Is it the end of the world? Thanks! :]




  1. Obviously not the end of the world, but it could be some genetic problem like lazy eye, but you usually get that early on. It could be from stress, but it'd be best to check it out with your eye doctor, he'll give you a better analysis than us because we can't see your eyes.

  2. omg thats weird..its usually the left eye

  3. My eye twitched fo several weeks once and I finally went to my primary care doctor. She looked in my nose and chuckled and said "it's no wonder your eye is twitching. Your sinuses are so infected and swollen they are pushing against your eye." My eye twitched for weeks but my sinuses hadn't hurt so I would have never associated the two. She gave me atibotics and within a week my eyes were back to normal.

  4. Eye twitching is a sign of severe stress. Try relaxin' by meditating, exercisin', watching comedy etc. Then it'll go away. Oh and 4 hour naps during the day is too much! You only need 8 hours a night with about 30 minute power nap.

  5. eye twitching is a kind of sign that tells u sth is going to happen. it may be a gud thing or a bad thing. but i think 6 monyhs is really quite a long time

  6. 6 Months? Really? Most eye twitches go away after about a week, and generally aren't noticed as much. A longer lasting twitch could very well be from stress, but could also be a lack of sleep or injury, hopefully neither though. My suggestion, if you choose to try my ideas before those of a medically trained porfessional, would be to lighten the stress and try to avoid confronting these situations which make your eye twitch. Let's hope it's not the end of the world!!

    Hope that helps. Seriously, see a doctor.
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