
Eyebrow piercing...........?

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I'm getting an eyebrow piercing this Monday. I want to know if anybody got it and what your experience was with it.

does it get easily infected? Do I have to keep washing it? With what do I wash it with?




  1. I've had mine done for about a year now.  It was painless when I went to get it pierced.  However, you do need to make sure you wash it and keep it clean.  Your eyebrows and eyelashes are there to protect things from getting into your eyes, so all of the particles and what not could easily irritate it.  Your piercer will tell you how to clean it after the whole process is done.

    Just make sure you do NOT use peroxide or rubbing alcohol.  It'll dry the piercing out and irritate it to the max.  Use a sea salt solution [with water as hot as you can tolerate], and let that soak for ten minutes up to six times a day.  There is also a piercing solution you should get that you apply with a q-tip once or twice a day. :]

  2. Mine was fine. Made my eyes water when I had it done, but didn't particularly hurt. Healing was fairly easy, just a bit crusty. Then it rejected, after I bashed it.

  3. just use H2ocean and keep it clean. it'll get crusty so keep the crust off the metal so it can spin without pain. it probably wont get infected just a little irritated.

  4. oh my hurts like helll......and it does get infected easily..i had it for about two months then i just left it alone..and it was cool at first..but i hate way to many problems...

  5. i knew someone who regualry pierced his eyebrows and ears himself and he never got an infection or appeared to be in anypain.

  6. the eyebrow piercing is going out of style bro! but anyway, it wont hurt alot, your eye will feel tired that night. more than anything if you have long hair, it's going to suck

  7. you should probably ask the people who are piercing your eyebrows.

    they will probably be able to explain much more thoroughly and give you tips etc.

  8. All I can say is:


  9. My boyfriend had it done not long ago and it is fine. He uses salt water to clean it daily and it isnt infected after 3 weeks. Hope this helps

  10. its gonna hurt big time, make sure you keeep something in it so it doesnt close up. its in a pretty safe place to not get infected...washing it with regualr soap and warm water once a day should do it

  11. dont mess with silly fads aroud the precious eyes.

  12. just wash it once a day with white soap not colored because it will ruin the new skin that is trying to come in. after you do that, you rinse it with salt water which is puttin salt and water. wash it with a q-tip that way you wont touch it at all.

  13. my eyebrow got really infected.

    it was bloody & pussing and there is nothing that you can do, except take it out and wash it.

    it doesn't hurt at all.

    but just take exceptional care of it.

  14. Well my boyfriend just got his pierced.

    It wont get infected usually, just make sure you have a good piercer

    and wash it with anti-bacterial soap only. Nothing else.

    And you should be good :]

    Eyebrow piercings are rad!

  15. I personally think it's ugly on anyone.

    When you get it periced they will tell you how to take care of it. Oh and if you wear sweaters in the winter becarful taking them off because my friend ripped her eyebrow ring out and it left a bad scar.

  16. I have friends and cuzins that have all kinds of piercings after you get it pierced put some rubing alcohol on it or check on yahoo search and type eyebrow piercings and search for info.

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