
Eyeliner and eyeshadow???

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I wanna start wearing makeup..mind u i'm 12 going on 13 and going in2 7th grade. ALL the girls i know where makeup. The only thing diff from the makeup i wanna wear and the makeup they are wearing is i want 2 have black eyeline and black eyeshadow. I have put it on b4 with my bff and liked it a lot. My mom might let me cuz i have talked 2 her bout it. What i'm wondering is if it would be ok 2 wear 2 skool. I was thinking of wearing it but just putting it on lighter than usual. I would send u a pic of how but i don't have any unfortunately lolz.




  1. I think thats a little heavy for a 12 year old

    I'm 15 and only wear a little eyeliner and mascara

    You should start out with your eyeliner really light and only halfway across the lid, and I would definately lose the eyeshadow altogether.

  2. uh.. i'd wear it lightly.

    maybe even with a green/gold would look good.

    heavy might make your eyes look really small

    and you unapproachable. depends how

    much your wearing.

  3. you sound like me :) LOL

    it would be okayy,Its better to start wearing it BEFORE school starts and hanging with a couple of your buds so they get use to it,Rather than just all of a sudden start wearing it In the middle of the school year bc that would be overwhelming =)

    GO 4 IT!

  4. umm i think a 12 year old with black eyeliner and black eyeshadow would look stupid

    im 15 nd i onlyy wear a lil bit eyeliner

    but i wear a lot of mascara and no eyshadow

    i think you should wear the black eyeliner but not a lot and lose the eyeshadow or go for a more natural shade like a brown

  5. No,it is not appropriate. A 12 or 13 year old should just be wearing a minimal  amount of make up. Any more makes you look like a hootchie !

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