
Eyes got worse!?

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Im 13 and I wear glasses, though i haven't wore them for about a week because they broke and im getting new ones.I had sports day on thursday and i did 800m and after i finished the world was like spinning for like a few hours,even now but my eyes seemed to of got worse that they were before sportsday, i can't focus and i could'nt read and i had loads of truble doing like anything at school!, i tryed to tell my mom and she said i was just being rediculus , i tryed to tell sir and i tryed to ask him wether i could move close to the bord he said no and im makeing it up so i can sit next to prina(my best friend) who had the only spare seet next to her at the front and now i dont no what to do!




  1. see a neurologist, you could have a condition called optic neuritis. If so the symptoms will suside will a short burst of steroid therapy.

  2. have u orderd news 1s yet?

    there is nothing u can really do but jst wait till they come and try telling ure mum again.

    lots of love



  3. get new ones you need them right away

  4. i nearly hav the same problem only i have a nurilogical problem witch is that my eyes are really bad i use magnofine glass to do nearly every thing

    but all u can do is think there r people way worse off than u and look foward to get glasses im not even gonna get glasses so u r lucky good luck bad eyed sight people should stick to gether and i never do any thing in lessons i just site around for ages so good luck
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