
FAA air traffic control.?

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I'm in the application process for an air traffic controller. I got a job offer from a facility but I applied for another, should I accept the offer? or wait for the right facility?




  1. take it and be thankful for the offer. there are many that want the job that do not get accepted for one reason or another. You wait and you run the risk of never being called again.

  2. Currently the FAA is desperate to hire air traffic control trainees. There are openings across the country, but some facilities are more short staffed than others.

    Whether you will have the opportunity to transfer to another facility after certifying at the first facility depends on how short staffed the first facility is versus how short staffed the desired facility is.

    When I hired on 25 years ago, there was a huge wait to move to another facility, 10 years or more. No kidding.

    If your desired facility employs very few controllers or is fully staffed and in a desirable location, it is unlikely you will get there anytime soon. Factor that into you decision.

    Something else to consider is how badly controllers are being treated. FAA air traffic controllers have been working without a contract for almost two years.

    The FAA imposed work rules on Labor Day, September 2006. Senior controller pay was frozen, new hire's pay slashed by 30 percent and a variety of other unpopular measures were implemented.

    You will be underpaid and unappreciated your entire career.

    I recommend looking for a job at a contract VFR tower or with a DOD tower. You will get better pay and more favorable working conditions.

  3. It may be easier to transfer to where you want to be with your foot already in the door.  Check on the transfer rules before making your decision

  4. It used to be common for controllers to transfer around...not so much anymore.  

    If time is important then take the job you have been offered.  But don't expect to be able to transfer to your preferred facility any time soon.  I'm not saying you won't, but it will take time, certainly not before you finish your training which takes 2-3 years on average.

    If time isn't important you can wait for your preferred facility, but it could be awhile.

    When my husband applied he took the first offer they made, it wasn't his number one choice but it was better than taking a chance that he wouldn't get offered his first choice.

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