
FFL and contraception??

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There seems to be a huge debate about whether or not Palin is anti-contraception. People say that the FFL are pro-BC. HOWEVER-I cannot find anything on their website that mentions the choice of birth control-they seem to be focused on having 'choices' after the woman is already pregnant. What gives? Are they anti-contraception, or is their site just disorganized? Any links you could provide to support your claims would be very helpful and much appreciated.




  1. Sarah Ailin' and the group that she belongs to has a definite anti-woman agenda. They, as she has stated, would ban abortion in ALL circumstances. So ladies, if your dad, brother, or weird Uncle Al start banging you at 11 and get you pregnant, you'd better have, keep, and take care of that "little bundle of joy." Men, if your home gets invaded and a methhead, crackhead. or gangbangers and ties you up, steals everything you own, and makes you watch as they rape your wife, you'd better be happy raising that baby as your own.

    This anti-woman group and their poster child Ailin' believe that ANY form of birth control other than the rhythm method is abortifacient, and that would be an abortion. They believe in women's right to choose - but only what they suggest. Nothing else. McSame is in the same boat, for all you HRC supporters that think he might not be all that bad. If you vote for this ticket, you deserve what you get...  

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