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How do I make friends and...LOCKER HELP??!!!

These are my classes:

Young Intrepeuneurs (how do you spell it?!)


Gym (i have to change with other girls?! gross!!)





Help help HELP!!!!! I'm soooo nervous!!!!!!!!!!




  1. k so i no everyone is going to say this but seriously DONT BE NERVOUS! middle school is awesome i luv it so much i actually WANT to go back to school

    k so for ur classes...

    use a big binder that has the pockets for each subject, and then also has a 3-ring thing attached so that u can put paper or notebooks in it. yes they exist. i used one last year and it worked. u never have to worry about loosing a folder this way, and u always have everything with u.

    u should have 1-2 notebooks per subject (depending on how many notes u have to take, or how many pictures u draw in them)

    and have a blue or black pen, a red one, and a pencil at all times. mean teachers will yell at u if u dont have one of them.

    locker help...

    dont freak out if u cant get ur locker open in the first few days. teachers should be able to help u, or if ur friend is getting her locker open easily, then ask them. i no that every teacher is going to tell u not to share ur combo with anyone, but everyone does it anyway. just remember...right left right! if u still have issues getting it open after the first few days of school, at the end of the day, get ur combo to work, open it, and close it. then the next day all u have to do is turn ur lock to the last number. only do this tho if u dont have anything in it thats valuable. and make sure this works, cuz im not sure if thats only at my school. also, take 5 minutes at the end of the day to organize ur locker about 1-2x a week. i no that by the end of the day all u want to do is go home or go hang with ur friends, but it will help u in the long run.

    as for the whole dressing in front of girls thing...

    yes it may be gross at first, but u will get used to it. at the beginning tho, every girl will be worried about it, and everyone always finds a way to put on their gym clothes without actually being almost naked.

    for making friends...

    i get the whole thing about being shy, cuz im like that to. but if u want to make a lot of friends, ur some how going to have to get over it at least a little bit. once u have, remember, smile, laugh, be funny and outgoing (as much as possible), and really, just be urself.

    good luck in middle school. hope its as awesome as i think it is!

    p.s-sorry this is so long, but its all necessary info

  2. OMG im going 2 middle school 2 im kinda nervous but i have 2 learn 2 get over it

  3. lol im going to 8th grade and when it was my first day of middle school i just really thought of it as another regular day of school its really not bad at all trust me  

  4. Just breathe, you'll be fine, you'll make friends and its spelled entrepreneurs.

  5. Don't worry, I'm starting middle school too. Everybody says to be yourself =]

  6. your not im going into make friends just be yourself and dont act to shy,ya know?Classes dont seem to hard.good luck.

  7. there nothing to be nervous about the changing with girls it gonna be like that for the rest of your life high school the gym if you ever go to the gym your gonna have to go in the girls locker room and change  

  8. middle school was a piece of cake with a side of cool whip. lol you'll be fine, trust me. all you gotta do is switch classes, do more homework, and eat lunch. you dont have to change with other girls in gym. you can go into the bathroom stall and change. Good luck!

  9. Ok for one don't worry about your classes for gym...when i started i thought the same thing. I always changed in the bathroom and wasted soooooooooooo much time then one day i said oh who cares! And i changed in the locker room and it was no problem.

  10. Aww this question just made me remember my first day!! This is soo cute. Ok heres your help!

    To make friends you have to be very friendly and NOT SHY. But don't be loud. The way I met my best friend was the first day of middle school and she just asked what my name was and then we started talking. Just ask questions but not too many. For your locker it is Right then you skip the next number by 1 that will be left and you go to the 2nd number then right it sounds confusing but it will be easy once you keep doing it and your teacher will help you just dont be afraid to ask questions. Speaking of asking questions, don't be scared to if you don't get it cause chances are you arent the only one!

    Young Entrepreneur is the correct spelling.

    For gym yes you change so if you don't have any b*****s still wear like a sports bra (ask mom!) or an undershirt. Everyone will be iffy changing but soon through your middle school years, you will see girls walking around in their bra and underwear and not think a thing of it. DONT STARE THOUGH that will make girls wonder......if you know what I mean......

    Just dont put things off and enjoy it!!!!!!!!

  11. going to middle school is so much fun i had way too many questions. seriously. starting  from the beginning making friends is always the same and you have to work for friends you might be shy but at least say hi to people and at the least say hi to the people your sitting down next to maybe "hi, can i sit there" or "hi, is anyone sitting there". next lockers i didnt have lockers in middle school, i just got my locker for high school today :) (i start monday) :( . the only locker i had in middle school was in the locker room for gym. dont forget to remember your combo.

    and gym getting dressed out in front of everyone else isnt that bad. ok well first off im pretty sure nobodys really watching you. heres how i got undressed in middle school gym first i took off my top always wearing a bra and sometimes a tank top and then i put on my shirt. tip get your shirt a little big ( so it covers your underwear/ butt). and then you take off your pants and slip on your gym shorts. dont worry youll be fine. all throughout gym i never worried about getting dressed out i was more worried about which sport we were playing.(im awful at sports)i havent heard of all those classes but they sound fun and the rest im sure are pretty similar.

    hope i helped & good luck there are no worries!  :D

  12. hey! i read ur question n its funni cuz i just finished jr.high! lolsz it was probably the best 3 years of my life! i learned alot about myself, n i alos did a lot of programs. dnt b nervous, the 7th n 8th graders dnt pick on u...most of the time they wnt even like really look at u, there jus in their own little world so dnt b nervous. just work hard n try 2 get good grades cuz it all matters, especially in 7th cuz thats wen u start lookin at highskools n they start preparing u 4 ur applications, also on making frends, just b friendly, n smile, n wats great is that no one in ur grade has been 2 the skool b4, so ur all on the same boat so they'll b mre to tlk about, dnt b nervous jr.high is fun jus enjoy! =] oh n on being shy, im pretty shy 2, but im sure ppl will approach u, n im going in2 highskool so im very nervous, but follow the advice that evr1 has 2 offer

  13. Try not to be nervous. Honestly I don't even think you're  old enough to use this cite but whatever. Middle school is so much better than elementary but the teachers can get a lot meaner there is a lot of bullying so be careful. But It's fun, until you get to high school and then you realize that middle school sucks. But while you are there be yourself and try not to start drama it will only make your lilfe miserable.  

  14. ok 1 thing ur stupid cuz u posted do u think im s**y like 100 times and that cant be a middle schooler lol

    but back on subject

    no its not hard i started middle school 3 years ago 6th grade is awsome im a guy so i didnt dress out and take off my clothes till i was in 7th i jus wore my clothes under my pants.

    6th grade was awsome 4 me jus cuz my teacher was so dumb and we could get into dissin contests to get out of work but yull be fine

    lockers arnt hard either live it up tho greatest year of ur life

  15. Don't worry I just finished middle school and im going into the 9th grade.  Its not nearlly as bad as you might think.  to make friends, just be your self!  trust me i was rele shy and didnt know very many people and (it was actually in gym class) i made 6 new friends in just one day and they are still rele close friends of mine.  just dont be nervous and be yourself!!!  


  16. Awww Don't be scared! Middle School may seem crazy and scary but its nothing big. The best way to make friends or get someone to talk to you is for you to break the ice. Like just simply ask "Hey do you know where this room is?" And if the do or don't you both either go to the room together or show you where, or if they dont know then you you can both have fun and search for the room. Just any simple question about the subject or school will get you in. But trust me the person you will be asking is probably just as nervous as you are! So they will feel alot better when you talk to them because its someone talking to them. Then at lunch they might askyou to sit with them or both or you could find somewhere to sit and by that time you would already meet alot of  people and you could all sit together!

    But -gym its nothing big you just try different sports and play around.

    -We never had Y.I. at our school so i dont know a bout that.

    -Leadership is fun because you do alot of exercises that builds you leadership so not much work

    - Math is easy you just learn basics but a bit more to basics

    - History is just like learning about the world cultures basiclly

    - science you do lots of little experiments and  learn about basic science

    - english is just going back to fundamentals and reading more books and doing projects

    Well i hope you have a great time at middle school!!! Dont worry! The 8th graders won't even care to mess with you and if they do they dont have a life... but most of the time 8th graders love to get to know 6th graders and are usually nice to them  HAVE FUN!!!  

  17. Okay...i am gonna be a  freshman this year at the high school so i kno how you feel about a new school. to make friends just be yourself. and lockers arent that bad once you get used to them. of course it will be a little scary. you'll be okay though. good luck. i am gonna need it too.

  18. the best thing you can do is just try to relax...

    i was really nervous on my first day wen i was sixth grader

    it was weird at first cuz everything is new to you, you ll be used to it.

    try not to think about it too much and you ll see thats better. :)

  19. lol theres nothing to be nervous about

    just be nice and polite and ull make friends

    try to introduce yourself to some kids who are sitting near you

    ask em how was their summer and all that stuff

    if u do that, by the time its lunch time ull have some ppl to sit with!

    the first couple of days will be kinda akward and wierd but after like a week ull be fine and youll have new friends!

    good luck

  20. Don't worry, middle school is fun.  It gives you more freedom.  Don't worry too much about having to make friends, my brother is one of the most anti-social people you could imagine, and he made friends within the first week.  Just smile, and introduce yourself to whoever you're sitting beside in class.

    *EDIT* Ugh and I know what you mean.  Changing with the other girls was the one thing I dreaded most about middle school.  I always wear a tank top under my clothes, so I can remove everything but the tank top, then I put my shirt on and take off the top underneath of it.  And your gym shirt is usually long enough to cover you while you change into your shorts.

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