
FIRST LUNAR LANDING real or faked?

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was neil armstrong really the first man to walk on the moon, or was he just a good actor?


personally i dont think they made it and i think that they faked the televised footage.




  1. It was real.

  2. A recent movie MAN ON THE MOON had most of the men who'd been on the moon.  

    As one of them said at the end "Fake it once, but why fake it nine times?"

  3. Conspiracy theorists, who have no actual understanding of how things work in space much less on the moon, have presented the idea that the lunar landings were all faked. The truth is that simply isn't the case. Every lunar landing, starting with Apollo 11, actually occured.

  4. WHY does this STUPID QUESTION keep coming up?  I was on a tracking ship off the Azores for the first 3 moon landings... I KNOW WHERE THE ANTENNA WAS POINTED AND I KNOW WHERE THE SIGNALS CAME FROM AND THEY CAME FROM THE MOON.

    WHY do you MORONS keep asking this SAME STUPID QUESTION when there is so much proof that man walked on the moon?

    You DO KNOW about the LASER REFLECTORS that were left on the moon and which are pinged about once a week, every week since the very FIRST landing... or do you NOT KNOW ANYTHING but are willing to believer that flat earth nonsense.


  5. totally fake fake as ***.....for one there is no wind on the moon cause there is very little gravity and take a look at the flag blowing in the breeze this would not happen on the moon it would just lay there limp.....for 2 when the shuttle lands it uses afterthrusters to make a soft landing and the moon is covered in dust and these have such force that it would easily make a crater where the thrusters where blowing down theres nothng there its just flat not to mention no burn marks on the moons surface....when a step is taken on the moon dust flies so your gonna tell me these high powered jet thrusters arent going to stur up some dust **** on the moon it would in a hollywood movie set it wont

  6. Here are some facts to consider: A camera was mounted on the leg of the lander. It was activated upon landing.

    1) Twelve 12 American astronauts have walked on the moon.

    Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin

    Apollo 12: Pete Conrad & Alan Bean

    Apollo 13: << failed to land on the moon >>

    Apollo 14: Alan Shepard & Edgar (Ed) Mitchell

    Apollo 15: David Scott & James Irwin

    Apollo 16: John Young & Charles Duke

    Apollo 17: Eugene (Gene) Cernan & Harrison Schmidt

    2) Why haven't we been back?

    a) American astronauts visited the moon on six occasions.

    b) The "moon race" was an extension of the cold war. It was mostly about national prestige. We got there first and achieved our primary objective. There was some good science: surveys, measurements, sample collection. But it was mostly about being there first. Once we achieved our primary objective, there was no political will to go back. There still isn't. Perhaps, if we discover He3 or something else valuable, there will be.

    c) I used to travel to Crested Butte, Colorado every year to ski. Because I don't go anymore, does it mean that I never went?

    3) What about the Van Allen radiation belts? Wouldn't it have killed the astronauts?

    The existence of the Van Allen radiation belts postulated in the 1940s by Nicholas Christofilos. Their existence was confirmed in *1958* by the Explorer I satellite launched by the USA.

    The radiation in the Van Allen radiation belts is not particularly strong. You would have to hang out there for a week or so in order to get radiation sickness. And, because the radiation is not particularly strong, a few millimeters of metal is all that is required for protection. "An object satellite shielded by 3 mm of aluminum will receive about 2500 rem (25 Sv) per *year*."

    "In practice, Apollo astronauts who travelled to the moon spent very little time in the belts and received a harmless dose. [6]. Nevertheless NASA deliberately timed Apollo launches, and used lunar transfer orbits that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to minimise the radiation." When the astronauts returned to Earth, their dosimeters showed that they had received about as much radiation as a couple of medical X-rays.

    4) The U.S. government scammed everyone?

    In 1972, there was a politically motivated burglary of a hotel room in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. There were only about six or eight people who knew about it. However, those people, including Richard M. Nixon, the President of the United States, failed to keep that burglary a secret. It exploded into a scandal that drove the President and a number of others from office.

    If six or eight people couldn't keep a hotel room burglary a secret, then how could literally thousands of people could have kept their mouths shut about six faked moon landings? Not just one moon landing, but six of them!

    5) What about the USSR?

    Even if NASA and other government agencies could have faked the six moon landings well enough to fool the general public, they could NOT have fooled the space agency or military intelligence types in the USSR. The Soviets were just dying to beat us. If the landings were faked, the Soviets would have re-engineered their N-1 booster and landed on the moon just to prove what liars Americans are. Why didn't they? Because the landings were real and the Soviets knew it.

  7. Why did the Russians stop trying to be the first to land a man on the moon ?

    Because some one beat them to it.

    What about the hundreds of pounds of moon rocks that the astronauts brought back ?

    Scientists from Russia, China, Japan, India, England, Germany, France etc. studied those rocks for years. Why didn't any of those countries claim it was fake ?

  8. We really landed on the moon.  If we didn't the Russians who were our mortal enemies at the time would have told the world about the hoax

  9. ya it was shown @ discovery that they had faked the photo in a studio with some artificial sets of lights they also superimposed their photo & shadows following diff. directions can also be seen this proves their fake photo since at space source of best light is sun .Lights emitted by oher stars are too far away as a result it cannot be traced.

  10. So I assume you think the Holocaust was faked as well?  Just because you were not there doesn't mean it wasn't real.  Our country does a lot to censor the truth from us but since they actually brought back moon rocks that have certain elements that are not found on Earth as well as being older then many of Earth's rocks then how did they fake that?

  11. Have you ever told a secret to ten people - - - how long did the secret stay secret?


  12. My friens from the planet Zaxcobalubala tell me it's real.

  13. The Moon landings were real. Go to this website for accurate info: The people who are proselytizing this "fake Moon landing" story are trying to sell their book and make money off of it to gullible people like you. There are a lot of evidence that we landed on the Moon such as Moon dirt on the Apollo astronauts spacesuits, Moon rocks, and a prism that was left behind by the astronauts on the moon to be used for calculating the distance of the Earth and the moon.

    The person who started all of this was the late Bill Kaysing. He was a total crackpot. You have to hear him or watch him talk on TV to realize that he was a certified old coot. Interview with Bill Kasying:

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