
FROGS! helphelphelp?

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why dose the life cycle and skin of frog make it a good indicator animal for monitoring the health of ecosystems?

how would the decline in the number of frogs affect the number of insects and algae?

what's the difference between two food chains to which the frog belongs by explaining the role of the frog in each chain?

How are these affecting frogs

a) Loss of Habitat

b) Air and Water quality

c) Ultraviolet Radiation

d) Climate Change

Please help, i'm trying to study about frogs, & ect..




  1. You'll learn so much more if you just read the material yourself.  If this is research you have to do, go to the library and research.  It's good for you, trust me.  

  2. What you are asking for is a small dissertation about the biology and ecology of amphibians...which are already out there published by people more experienced than what you're likely to find cruising this site. Go google for some biologists who specialize in frogs, look through universities predominantly or conservation groups and ask them for recommendations on good books. Read first before you ask them questions. Make sure you're not asking questions just to avoid reading yourself. Check out or other similar groups/sites. Check out amazon for some books on frog biology/ecology/conservation, and use reviews to see what others think. There is a ton of information on the web already. There is a nation-wide (USA) study of frog populations that volunteers contribute data towards... Keep looking. Hope this gets you started.  

  3. Normally I'd love to answer all of these questions, but it seems so much like homework, that I am not touching it.

  4. watch planet earth dvd set..they cover the frog dealio....i cant give you any facts because it has been a wehile since i seen it.
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