

by Guest61120  |  earlier

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There was a boy playing in the farm field when his mom called him in for breakfast. On his way in he kicked a cow, pig, and a chicken. So when he gets to the table he sees a dry bowl of cereal. "What's the deal?" he asks. His mom says " You kicked the cow so no milk for you, you kicked the pig so no bacon for you, and you kicked the chicken so no eggs for you." Then his father walks into the kitchen and accidentally kicked the cat. The the boy says "Do you want me to tell him or should you?"




  1. LOL dat was a great one...How abt dis one-

    A baby boy had just been born. He had all his parts and seemed quite normal,

    except that he was laughing, I mean laughing real hard.

    All the doctors and nurses were examining the little guy, in front of his worried parents.

    But he kept on laughing. His tiny fists all closed and tears rolling from his eyes.

    One at a time, a paediatrician unfolded his tiny fingers to check if his hand was alright,

    and...... guess what he found?

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    The Birth Control Pill!  

  2. there three japanese guys named chu, bu ,and fu they go to america because they dont like there names and want them changed. chu changed his name to chuck. bu changed his name to buck. fu went home.

    three friends are stranded on a island on a beach kicking an empty water bottle. then a ge-ne came out. he said" i will grant you all one wish. the smartest friend wished for a mansion back home, five new cars, and to be married to his girlfriend. poof he was gone. the kind of smart friend asked to be back home with a new car. poof he was gone. the stupid friend got lonley and said i wish my friends were here.

    the was man. and a ge-ne appeared to him and said i will grant you three wishes but your mother-in-law will get he asked for a 20 acres of land so she got double.then he wished for a 2 story mansion so she got double. then he said" for my last wish i want you to scare me half to death.,

  3. Q) Where do king and queen eat at?

    A) at Burger King and Dairy Queen.


    A boy once asked his dad why he put his radio in a refrigerator.

    The dad replied, "I want to listen to cool music".

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