
Fable to much money courrupt?

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I know the cheat for lots of money in fable 2 Pub games and i want to if i merge with my hero will i become courpt and look bad or will i walk high and might or will it not affect at all




  1. Yes I know the glitch, but Molyneux stated that money is going to affect your character differently than committing heinous deeds (murdering innocent people, stealing, and freeing prisoned criminals for money).

    Those deeds are going to align your character with either "Purity" or "Corruption" while money will determine your posture and behavior (if you're poor you will walk clumsily and if you're rich you will stand straight up and walk orderly).

    So having that much money in fable 2 is going to make your character look like a noble but if you want him to look corrupted, then help out the criminals rather than the guards and murder a few people here and there.

    P.S. I also want to mention your character is also affected by which combat you favor more (sword or magic). If you use sword, he will look more muscular while focusing on magic will make him have glowing tatoos appear on his face.

  2. hey, i agree with everything_and_nothing

    there is no answer cause no one has the game yet, and u might as well go ahead with the glitch cause microsoft might fix it, but they might not too

  3. It's hard to say what will happen in the game - no one really knows yet.  As far as that glitch goes though, you better hurry - the patch to fix it is in Microsoft's hands, awaiting certification.

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