
Fabricated Ahadeeth -:- Warning Muslims{Sunni] About Them.?

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1. "We have returned from the Lesser Jihaad to the Greater Jihaad (i.e. the Jihaad against oneself)"

Related by al-Bayhaqi with a da’eef isnaad according to al-Iraaqee. Ibn Hajr said that this was a saying of Ibraaheem bin Abee Ablah, a Taabi’ee, and not a hadeeth of the Messenger (SAW). [‘Kashf al-Khafaa’ (no.1362)]

2. "Love of ones homeland is part of faith."

as-Saghaanee declared it to be maudu (fabricated) [ ‘al-Mawdoo’aat’ (pg. 7)]

as-Sakhaawee said, "I have not found it" [ ‘Maqaasid al-Hasanah’ (pg. 218 no. 386)]

al-Albaanee declares it to be fabricated.[‘Silsilah ad-Da’eefah’ (1/110 no.36)]

The scholars have discussed it’s meaning and differed to what extent the meaning is correct if at all, see the discussions in the above three references for detail.

3. "Allaah says, ‘I was a hidden treasure, and I wished to be known, so I created a creation (mankind), then made Myself known to them, and they recognised Me.’"

As-Sakhaawee (d.902, the student of ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee) said, "ibn Taymiyyah said, ‘this is not from the words of the Prophet (SAW), and there is no known isnaad for it be it saheeh or da’eef.’ And az-Zarkashee and our Shaykh (ibn Hajr) followed him (in this verdict)." [‘al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah’ of as-Sakhaawee (no. 838)]

As-Suyutee (d.911) said, "this has no basis (laa asla lahu)" [‘Durural Muntathira’ of as-Suyutee (no.330)]

al-Ijloonee (d.1162) said, "this saying occurs often in the words of the sufis, who have relied on it, and built some of their principles on it."[ ‘Kashf al-Khafaa’ of al-Ijloonee (no.2016)]

al-Albaanee (contemporary) says, "this hadeeth has no basis" [‘Silsilah ad-Da’eefah’ (1/166)]

4. "Allaah says, 'Were it not for you (O Muhammad) I would not have created the universe.'"

As-Saghaanee (d.650) said, "maudu (fabricated)" [‘al-Ahaadeeth al-Mawdoo’aat’ of as-Saghaanee (pg. 7)] and likewise al-Albaanee [‘Silsilah ad-Da’eefah’ (1/450 no.282)] ash-Shaykh Mulla Alee Qaaree (d.1014) said, "maudu, but it’s meaning is correct…." [‘al-Asraar al-Marfoo’ah’ of Alee al-Qaaree (pp 67-68)], and quotes two narrations to prove this:

a. The hadeeth related by ibn Asaakir, ‘were it not for you, the world would not have been created’. Ibn al-Jawzee (d.5**) related this and said, "maudu (fabricated)" [‘al-Mawdoo’aat’ of ibn al-Jawzee (1/288)] and likewise as-Suyutee. [‘al-Laa’ee’ of as-Suyutee (1/272)]

b. The hadeeth related by ad-Dailamee, "O Muhammad! Were it not for you, the Garden would not have been created, and were it not for you the Fire would not have been created." Al-Albaanee said, "it is not correct to certify the correctness of it’s meaning without establishing the authenticity of the narration from ad-Dailamee, which is something I have not found any of the scholars to have addressed….Suffice to know that ad-Dailamee is alone in reporting it, then I became certain of it’s weakness, rather it’s flimsiness when I came across it in his ‘Musnad’ (1/41/2)….." [‘Silsilah ad-Da’eefah’ (1/451 no.282)]

5. "The one who knows himself, knows his Lord."

as-Sakhaawee said, "Abu al-Mudhaffar as-Sama’aanee said, ‘this is not known as a hadeeth of the Messenger, rather it is only related as a saying of Yahya bin Mu’aadh ar-Raazee.’ And likewise an-Nawawee said, ‘it is not established’" [‘al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah’ (pg. 491 no.1149)]

as-Suyutee said, "this hadeeth is not authentic" [ ‘Haawee lil Fataawee’ (2/351)]

Alee al-Qaaree quoted from ibn Taymiyyah saying, "fabricated" [‘al-Asraar al-Marfoo’ah’ (pg. 83)]

al-Allaamaa Fairozabaadee said, "this is not from the Prophetic ahaadeeth, despite the fact that the majority of people make it so, and it is not authentic at all. It is only related from the Jewish traditions as ‘O mankind! Know yourself and you will know your Lord’" [‘ar-Radd alaa al-Mu’tarideen’ (2/37)]

al-Albaanee says, "it has no basis" [‘Silsilah ad-Da’eefah’ (1/165 no.66)]

6. "Allaah says, ‘neither My Heaven or My earth can contain Me, but the heart of My believing servant can contain Me.’"

Al-Ghazaalee mentioned this in his ‘Ihyaa Ulum ad-Deen’ with the wording, "Neither My Heaven nor My earth can contain Me, but the soft humble heart of my believing servant can contain Me".

Al-Haafidh al-Iraaqee (the Shaykh of ibn Hajr) said in his notes to ‘al-Ihyaa’, "I find no basis for it." And as-Suyutee agreed with him, following az-Zarkashee.

Al-Iraaqee then said, "but in the hadeeth of Abu Utbah in at-Tabaraanee there occurs, ‘the vessels of your Lord are the hearts of the righteous servants, and the most beloved to Him are the softest and most tender ones’"

ibn Taymiyyah said, "it (the original hadeeth) is mentioned in the Israelite traditions, but there is no known isnaad from the Prophet (SAW) for it."

as-Sakhaawee said, agreeing with as-Suyutee, "there is no known isnaad from the Prophet (SAW), and it’s meaning is that his heart can contain belief in Me, love of Me and gnosis of Me. But as for the one w




  1. If muhammad with his long trail of shames is good enough to be a prophet, then I'm sure even Ghandi is good enough to be a deity.

    Islam is today surviving only because of the lies that people like yourself is perpetrating.  NONE of whatever islam claims could be validated.  Neither with secular history, nor religious texts from ancient times.


  2. Most of hadeethes are heresays made according to the situations and rulers paid dinars/dirhams to many.

  3. Thanks for sharing brother

    ""Love of ones homeland is part of faith.""..ROFL,then most people here will not qualify 'folowers of Sunnah"

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