
Fake name on mail? (letters)?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering about mailing and things... If you write on a fake name but the real address and other info is on the mail, will it be able to get to the location?

For eg.

To: Fake name here.

Real address

Real location

Real postal code. etc..

Also, is it bad to do something like that? Lol, I'm just wondering this, I don't think I'll do it, or give someone a fake name if they send me something lol.




  1. I believe that one should remain stuck with TRUTH , for that will save one from lot of worries and unpleasant situations in life. I am very careful not to involve myself with such matters, where I may require to give any false identity. Be happy and remain happy.


  2. It is totally an example of : A FOOL TRYING TO ACT SMART (by faking name) BY DOING FOOLISH THING (giving real information of a person with fake name).

  3. Yes it will still get there.  Unless you live in a tenement building, then you will either need to stick your fake name on the door or the flat number on your address.

    Its not necessarily bad to do that.  It's your business and your circumstances for doing such a thing.  I recently got a delivery from a company I used to work for.  I used a false name because I didn't want an ex-colleague seeing my name and knowing where I lived.  I also used a false name when ordering school uniforms for my nephew because my sister-in-law, in a moment of madness, got herself, my brother, my mum and my sister barred from the shop!!

  4. In answer to your question on whether the mail will get there or not, the answer is yes, it should.

    When sorting mail, the US postal service uses only the address on the mailpiece.  As long as the address is correct, the mail will, at a minimum, make it to the post office in the destination city.  There it is sorted by address into batches for the postman to deliver.  When the postman does his route, he should deliver all mail to the address written on the envelope.  It is up to the recipient to return the piece to the postal service noting that it was mailed to the incorrect address.

    Say you address an envelope to Grammy and Grampy 145 Main St Boston MA 02134.   It's not addressed to the correct name, but it will likely arrive without problem, as long as the address is correct.

    If you address a letter to Bob Jones but the mailman knows that Barbara Smith lives alone at that address, he could theoretically stamp it incorrect address and return to sender.  (He isn't supposed to do this though, because for all he knows, Bob could be Barbara's new boyfriend who just moved in.)

    Now the second issue is whether it is RIGHT to use a fake name.  It will depend upon the circumstances.  If you are doing so to commit a crime, it is considered mail fraud and has very stiff penalties.  

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