
Falling behind in class?

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any tips on how to get back to the right track? i know i must catch up,but there are certain factors that made it hard for me to work for it.i don't know,i always feel inferior towards everybody.just give me some tips no matter what my factors are,please,i'm dying




  1. Ask if any of your teachers have some time to tutor you after school. Or get an home tutor for the weekend or after school. Take extra home work home?

  2. The only one who makes you feel inferior is yourself. If you allow people to make you feel inferior have a look in the mirror and say to yourself why do I allow this feeling. Remember no one controls your feelings but you.

  3. try getting a tutor...

    they're really helpful

  4. hi, i think the you should not stress too much, don't think that your behind everyone at the class trust in your self that you can do it and study hard dont give up. find something interesting in each subject. like examples.... i hate math but when I'm studying math i always think of the series numbers it becomes interesting to me because i want to be able to solve it like on TV.... Anatomy hard to memorise it but if you put it to song you might be able to. or ethics boring but the teacher is s**y you want to study more just to impress the teacher... something like that..... its up to you how your going to make it fun..... just dont stress your self to much  believe in your self. stress can interfere with concentration..... good luck

  5. you need to talk to your teachers :] good luck xx

  6. One thing that can help you think more positively is visualization.  Sit down when you have a minute (several times a day) and close your eyes.  Take some deep breaths and try to relax your muscles.  Picture yourself studying hard and doing well at it.  Over time, the pathways in your brain get to be more positive and you will feel better about yourself.

    At the same time, you actually have to plan for getting caught up.  If you are watching too much TV, for instance (avoiding your work), try to limit yourself to just your favorite shows.  If you have a Tivo, DVR, or VCR, save a show or two to watch until after you have spent several hours working on your class work.

    If your friends are bugging you to hang out more and you don't want to disappoint them, tell them you can do something fun on the weekend, like on Saturday only.  Do a little bit of work early on Saturday, then have a fun time.  Get right back to work on Sunday.

    Don't cut back on sleep to try to catch up in class.  That will only make things worse in the long run.  Try to eat right, maybe exercise a tiny bit, don't do too much caffeine, etc.  Get enough rest and just work, work, work.  You will be so proud of yourself when you fix this situation that it will give you confidence for other things you need to do in the future.

    If I knew more details, I could've provided more specific helps based on your reasons for being off track, but I hope this helps enough anyway.

  7. Probably you can't do all. Pick subjects and concentrate on them, and keep going no matter what.

    And failure in one year doesn't kill you. It just upsets you.

  8. First of all, you are not dying. That doesn't help you feel better so start telling yourself some good stuff like " I am strong, I can do this". I coach people & I do this on a weekly basis cause it is better to do certain things & then have a goal line then set more goals than to just tell a person what to do & leave them. If you have e-mail contact me about coaching cause a little support would help you until you are in the habit of helping yourself. Also, once your life is functioning well again you will be self-motivated...For now you need a postive attitude. I would write down how I feel then look at those thoughts as if they were seeds you were planting into your future. Change the thoughts & your life will change. If I coached you we would look at what happened to get you where you are now & deal with that first. Then we have to have a new mind set. There is so much you can do & people who will work with you when they understand & know you are trying. We would also have to take the factors you mentioned that got you off track & teach you how to deal with them or live your best life with them. We will get to the root of the inferior you are feeling & clear that up. You will be fine you just need a little changing to take place but it will pay off for the rest of your life. I didn't check to see if you had e-mail if you don't just change you e-mail & send me your address & write the question you asked &  I will contact you. You have to do what you can do to take care of yourself & the better you take care of yourself the more you will have a passion for life.

  9. You probably have a learning disability - or different ability.  You are been taught one way, when your personal style is another - probably a rarer form of learning.  

    Write a plan out as to how you can catch up.

    Go and see tutors, teachers whoever and discuss how you want to catch up and what you plan to do - get them to agree to the plan, offer any additional advice.

    Ask your teacher (make sure it is a qualified, unversity educated teacher - not a trainer with a certificate) for specific advice on what you are doing wrong.

    If you feel inferior towards everyone this is going to impact on your studies because;

    (a) your mind will be busy worrying about what other people think - when in fact they may not even know you exist

    (b) you will not be fully concentrating on what you ARE SUPPOSE TO BE DOING - and just worrying about others

    Understand that people'

    (a) learn and different rates

    (b) learn in different styles (47 types of learners)

    (c) have different degrees of focus

    (d) some people need motivation from others while others do not

    Like genes - you get what God gave you, butyou have to try a little harder when you lack motivation or have an inferiority complext


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