
False win? batista and cena

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that was not a real win for rhodes and ted because before they got the pin on cena ted pushed him into batista which made cena batista legal man so i think cena and batista didn't really loser

what do you think




  1. they are the new tag team champs


  2. yes

  3. you are right it was a false win

  4. errr...I think you're actually right.  Remember when Lawler and Cole were against Dibiase and Rhodes, and they pushed Lawler into Cole??  THAT counted as a tag, and Cole definately did NOT touch Lawler with his hand, or with anything else.  Lawler merely fell into him.  Exact same thing happened just now, that was b/s!  (But they deserved it...rofl...)

  5. Would that be counted as a tag?? If it would, then ur right Rhodes and DiBiase didn't win  legally

  6. Well tags have to made with the hand.  The receipient can use any part of his body, but the guy tagging, has to use his hands.

  7. Batista and Cena's Hearts Were More In Battling Each Other Than Keeping Their Titles, Plain And Simple.

  8. A hand has to touch, like NBA said. A slap counts, headbutts don't

  9. It was a false loss

    but who care

  10. I COMPLETELY agree with you! They touched.. that counts as a tag. Tags are legal as long as the members touch. This week's storyline and last week's storyline to heat up SummerSlam between Batista and John Cena were similar....Coincidence! Before the match started, I had a feeling they were gonna lose it to heat up SummerSlam.

  11. I agree.  Cena and Batista bumped heads.  That should  have been a legal tag.

    They consider a slap in the face a legal tag.....bumping into each other should also be a legal tag.

  12. yeah well , thats technacilly true but its sports entertainment.

    rhodes and dibiase are the new champs again(sigh).

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