
Family ancestry?

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whats the furthest back in time do u know who ur ancestors were/?




  1. Two generations.

  2. 1615 On my mums side and 1633 on my dads side, but that's as far as I've got so far. I have hit a brick wall now, but sooner or later I'll break through it.

  3. I have gone back 7 generations so far which has most ascestors found being in the early to mid 1800's. I have a six month subscription through Ancestry right now but need to upgrade to a different type of membership to access world records as I'm now looking for records in Scotland and Germany etc.

  4. In my family tree, on my mother's side (based on written and oral family history) about 1250 A.D. On my mother's side we know exactly where we are from.

    My fathers side, about 1802.

  5. Managed to trace my Family Tree as far back as 1453 - the Fall of Constantinople.

  6. 1774 from the 1841 cencus!!!

  7. My father's maternal branch - Walter Lee, s/o Thomas Lee, b. 1562 Newton St. Cyres, Devon.

    Father's paternal branch I'm still looking for a marriage circa 1781 ish.

    Mother's paternal branch - with certainty only back to my Gt. grandfather b.1831 (but I can't find a baptism).  I have made an intelligent guess as to who his parents might be, but there is something odd about it all.

    Mother's maternal branch - they lived in a village called Bishop's Nympton, Devon  and Chittlehampton, Devon back to 1618.

  8. Like anybody else, I've had varying success with various different lines.  All kinds of problems can creep up on you and bring your research to a halt, it's just a question of when.  If you stumble across illegitimacy or adoption in your tree then you'll come to a halt very quickly, and if you have a very common name in a country where records are few and far between (Ireland is a good example) then you will also get stumped very quickly.

    My main paternal line goes back as far as a guy I found buried in the same family grave as my other gt grandparents and who died in 1723.  He left a will, but so far, I can't find a baptism for him yet - or at least, one that I am 100% happy with as claiming as "mine".  

    Different problems have hit my maternal lines, as most of them couldn't read or write and left "X"'s everywhere on documents with different spellings of their names, adding or dropping an "e" on the end of "Clark" or "Sharp" for example, or putting an extra "s" on the end of "Adam".  Cornish registers also spell the surname Giles sometimes as Jeeles, so claiming anyone 100% as my kin on these lines is a lot harder than it should be.  I'm still struggling to get past the year 1800 on some of these lines.  My Irish lines fizzle out even later than this.

    The earliest ancestor I am generally comfortable with calling my own was a blacksmith buried in 1582 and who left a will.  I guess he was born about 1510, but since his baptism and marriage both pre-date the beginning of parish registers in 1538, I guess I shall never know much about his life.  Thankfully, they hung around the same Essex village for the best part of 500 years and never left.  Indeed, some of them are still there today.  However, despite searching various name lists in the parish for the late 1300's, I can find no trace of them in the area any earlier than the 1500s.  Anyone who gets back much beyond 1538 is doing very well indeed.  Most people who do have found a link into the landed gentry, landowners or nobility by then.  Sadly, there are no dukes and earls on my main family lines, just fishermen, farmers, coal miners and labourers.

  9. my english,irish,and scottish lines dont go that far back but i traced the whole way to a wilhelm lukens of germany born in 1673!
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