
Family court and custody/residence issues?

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While many anti-fems say on the one hand that women and men are different, women are nurturers and should stay at home to raise the children, they also say that women are nasty because they try to keep the children in their predominant custody in the event of separation.

So, which is it? Are women nurturer's or cows for wanting to keep predominant custody of the kids? How can you argue on the one hand that she should raise the kids b/c she's biologically "made" that way, then fight her tooth and nail for custody?

I just really want to get my head around what MRA's think. Thanks.




  1. Not a fair question.

    Question for you, if you saw your kid every day, 365 days a year, 366 on leap years, and suddenly your relegated to seeing them 72-80 days a year, would you be content with that?

    I know i fcking wouldn't........

  2. And you do get your head around feminist thought of the "fight" for "equality" yet they ignore the inequality of women not fighting in combat or signing up for the draft?  

    Please explain how you can do one and not the other.

  3. Wow good job turning things around the other feminists must be proud.

    First off very few anti feminists think that women should stay home with the kids so for you to say that seems a little dishonest.

    Second feminists are the ones claiming they only want equality we point out when feminists demonstrate that isn't true and family courts and custody is a very blatant example of how feminists don't want equality they want superiority and control.

    If they wanted equality then they would know that shared parenting is far better for children and would support it.

    But nice try.  

  4. Huh, where are all the anti-feminists now? Not really speaking up, are they? Nailed 'em.

  5. some women are nurturers but u know just depends on the woman because i mean like if a mom is a druggie and still is fighting hard for her kids she is a bad mom yes but she could always get better if she truly wanted her kids like i said just depends on the woman we are all the same but all diffrent!!! :)

  6. I find it difficult to understand the anti's position on child custody when the fact is that the mother most often gets primary custody in Canada and the US because it is most often not asked for by the father. Fathers seeking joint custody get it the majority of the time.

    I don't know the % for fathers being awarded sole custody in legal disputes. I do know that 15% of custodial parents were men in the US according to the US Census Bureau in 2002. That figure was little changed from 1994.

    The simple truth is that most parents want what is best for their children and try to cooperate and legal custody disputes are Not the norm. When they do happen, family courts in Canada and most jusisdictions in the US go by the standard of what is in the child's best interest. So both parents have a fair chance if there are no domestic violence issues or unfit parent issues like crime or drugs.

    MRAs know all of this. I can't speak for them or what they think. I know they say they want fathers to be able to have parental rights but I wonder if abusive fathers just use the "father's rights" meme as a way to try to gain power over their children and ex-partners. Or just to harass them.

    Edit: "if you saw your kid every day.. and suddenly your relegated to seeing them 72-80 days a year.."

    That is a reflection of the fact that the father lives apart from the child's house and that there is not a parenting schedule with more time allocated.

    And again, most custody arrangements are Not contested by the father.

  7. Often times a child is placed in the sole custody of the mother even though it is not in the best interest of the child.

    Then we have the whole issue of visitation which is usually not enforced.  If a man doesn't pay child support he is is incarcerated, is fined or penalized, but if a mother denies visitation she rarely faces any punishment for defying the order of the court.

  8. I've noticed this inconsistency, too. If women are going to be the primary care-givers, then women will continue to get custody. That's fair.

    BTW, here is NOW's official position on the draft.

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