
Family doesnt accept my vegetarianism?

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I am a vegetarian, but i live in a very traditional italian family, so there is always lasgna and meat sauce. I dont know how to handle it! they know im a vegetarian, but think its just a phase and dont take me seriously! When i go to friends and families houses, what do i do about this? this problem has forced me to eat meat before.




  1. Tell them how important vegetarianism is to you, and that you really are serious about it.  If you sit them down and talk to them, maybe they'll understand.

  2. If everyone could, then vegetarianism becomes ordinary and uninteresting.

    You are an EXTRAORDINARY... indeed!

  3. Bring a dish that you have prepared then you can eat that.

    I'll bet most family meals include salad and maybe fruit and bread.

    You can make a meal out of these.

    Just don't be rude or call attention to yourself.Eat what you can and enjoy your family. They don't need to understand you.

  4. My family doesn't really either, but then they're fairly decent about it..I'm lucky...I'm 19 also though so I get to make my own decisions. I'm sure there's something around your house you can find to make. If not, you'll have to either ask them to pick up something special for you or get a job and make some money of your own to buy special dishes. Chances are if you're really young, it is a phase though, but I wish you luck.

  5. As long as you are eating the nutrients you need then you should not let others impose their ways, they should be more respectful and have food for everyone.

    If someone doesn't like salad and that's all they're offered I bet they won't eat it.

  6. try cooking your own food , then maybe they will realize that you are serious about this. same thing happened with me, and now ive been a veg. for about 5 months

  7. Morningstar Farms (in America) used to make a crumbly ground meat substitute from tofu/soy that could be marinated or spiced up and served in a tomato sauce. It tasted cleaner and better than meat (admittedly, this is from my own vegetarian perspective). Can you have your Italian family try that? Maybe they'll come to prefer it.

    If you freeze tofu and then thaw it very rapidly, then marinate it in tamari, it tastes very close to chicken. It has the same texture, anyhow.

    There is a soy imitation bacon by the same American company that tastes better than real bacon, less salty, sweeter. Veggie Bacon Strips they're called. It's not good if burned, but regular bacon is also not good if it is burned.

    Best thing to do is to refuse invitations, explaining your vegetarianism. Usually friends say, oh come anyway and we'll serve you only the beans and potatoes.Or we'll have spaghetti (cheaper for them too). It helps to have the word out beforehand how you feel so people don't think it's an excuse for not seeing them.

    Although I'm a vegetarian too, rather than create a fuss, sometimes I go along with the meal and remind myself that since Adam's Fall / We sinned all. I try not to eat meat for ethical reasons, but who can be completely sure about his own ethics?

    When going out, take paper napkins in your pocket. When people are out of the room you can sometimes sneak the meat into the napkin and throw it away later. That doesn't stop the animal from having been killed, but one can't fix the world, only dust one's corner of it. If caught, you can explain and most people are mollified. Your family is the trickier issue as you probably eat with them most of the time.

  8. Honestly, my family only half-takes me seriously. They mock me, but all in "loving" ways.

    One thing to be careful of: Don't preach vegetarianism.

    I make my own meals or my family will make modifications for me. My mom even likes to try my meals. Tell you parents that you are a vegetarian and if they truely cared and supported you they would be okay with you being a vegetarian. And don't eat meat because someone is forcing you.

    I know that this is one of the hardest things when being a vegetarian so just stick to your beliefs and ignore the meat.

  9. I live with 3 step brothers...who eat MEAT. Alot. I just tell my me the tofu, and I will make my own food! Search easy vegetarian recipes online, and make them yourself. You're going to have to cook for yourself eventually. I love to put tofu in crushed tomatoes with basil and mushrooms. Now that I've been vegetarian for a while, they finally figured, "Hey! She's not going to eat meat anymore. She must be serious!"

  10. I'm sorry for what you're going through with your family.  I understand how famiy traditions get in the way of certain life choices.  A friend of mine went through something very similiar when she was in high school.  Now, she's on her own and cooks healthy veggie foods and loves it.  I'm assuming you're young and still have to live by your parents rule---understandable.  However, let them know how this is not a phase and that you want to eat healthy and although you enjoy italian food, you just want to take the meat out.  Ask your mom if she can put a vegetarian sauce aside just for you before she adds the meat.  If not, try making the meal with your family and become more involved in the kitchen so you know what goes inside your body.  When you take an active approach, you'll have more control (even if you're family thinks it's just a phase).  I can understand your family concerns but even when you go to family events, see if they have any breads or salads or something simple you can eat.  Your friends should atleast be understanding.  I guess I'm lucky because most of my friends are really accommodating when they have me over and having some vegetarian option available.  However, I don't go to friend's or family's houses expecting anything.  Meaning, don't expect everyone to accept your choice~it's something I've learned growing up as a veg*n.  In time, you'll learn how to adapt to the carnivorous world around you and learn how to make smart vegetarian options even though society may not be as veg*n-ready.

    Good luck!  =)

  11. Can't you just politely decline? If you're going to seriously be a vegeterian, you will need to counter these situations.

  12. Learn to cook.

  13. good.your parents are doing the right thing.

  14. you can't seperate the meat out on your plate? honestly?

    just because you choose a lifestyle, don't expect everyone else to adopt it...

  15. I know how you feel. I come from a traditional Jewish family and at first my mom did not take the whole vegetarian thing seriously. She thought it was just a phase or something. I finally talked to my parents and told them that it was not a phase and being a vegetarian was important to me and told them why. After that my mom started buying more vegetarian food for me and twice a week we a vegetarian dinner.

    You need to talk to them.

    About going over your friends house, make sure your friends know that you are a vegetarian. If you know you're eating dinner there find a way to tell whoever is cooking before hand that you don't eat meat.

  16. Make your own dishes? Or offer to help prepare something so you know it's vegan.

  17. Well I'm a vegetarian also. I gave up eatin was i was younger and with the tradition it is hard but my parents gave in and well ... yuo could split the meat with the non-meat or pick the food that doesn't have meat on or in it

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