
Family givein up on there kid =(?

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So my dad sits here n always ask why do I take everything as a joke why dont I care about anything?? I never answer that cuz all I do Is look at him then go to me room and cry and ask myself whats the sense of careing why not takeing everything as a joke cuz no one cares about me no one understands me everyone has gave up on me............... I always thought that family was to be here for you but I guess not because theres no one belivein in me no more, I have these plans for life to go b on my own when im 18 have a great guy (which i have in my life already) start a family with him, be everything my mom n dad aint, be there for my kids when they need me, listen, care, belive in them, I went to do all this but everyday I start thinkinking to my self I should just gave up on my dreams since theres no one who belives in me no more,

People I dont know what to do anymore I dont went to give up on my self but theres no one to catch me when i fall, I feel so lost anymore, Should I just Gave in or what just give uup on all my dreams??? i dont went to but is that went there trying to get me to do??

Idk anymore I just wanna be able to show them wronge but they act like they dont went nothing to do with me, PLease i need help idk what to do anymore to show them no matter what they say no matter how much they are hurting me im not going to give up on my life just to b a fuc*inf slave to them all i do is clean for them, cook for them and everything else

and i need help on how to tell them there hurting me by doing this can anyone help PLZ




  1. I too was in your shoes. In order for me to go anywhere like the movies I had to clean the WHOLE house. The worst was the laundry. I was 12-14 when this happened. There sometimes was literally 10 loads of laundry to do. If I did them ALL and the last load was in the dryer and it was time to leave for the movies my parents wouldn't take me because the deal was ALL the clothing had to be completed. This is just one example. I was treated like sh*t too! I also have a sister 4 years younger than me that never did 1 single chore in my house which made things worse. I moved out of my home when I was 17, and everything gets better. Just stick with the nonsense your in, and please always remember "There is someone out there in a worse situation than you" This always helped me get through those times. Crying is wonderful too, crying won't harm you, so if that's what makes you feel better, than just cry. I did lots of that! Now I am 20 and have a family and am engaged, and life is going well. Just live life as much as you can, at least you have something to look forward too :)

  2. If you’re sitting around waiting until people believe in you before you follow your dreams then there's a very good chance that you’ll never obtain your dreams, and the only person who will be at fault is YOU.  

    I’ve accomplished numerous things in my life that people told me I would never accomplish (obtaining a BA and then a Masters, and becoming a published author--after numerous years of rejections--among other things), but instead of sitting around moaning that no one believed in me, I got up off my butt and worked for the things that I wanted.  So what if no one’s there to catch you when you fall?  No one caught me when I fell, but I got up, dusted myself off, and started again.

    Have you had a crappy life?  It sounds like it.  Should you use that as an excuse to fail?  No.  Plenty of people have had crappy lives (I grew up with an alcoholic, abusive stepfather), and still they succeeded.  But it’s up to YOU to do it.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself--get some professional help if you need it.  Then create a plan to obtain what you want and put it into action.

  3. FIRST if you have a great guy you have someone there to catch you when you fall.SECOND tell you're parents what you just told us.Or send it to  you're moms email that way you don't have to tell them if you're afraid to but she can read what you wrote.THREE you need to talk to a councilor or a therapist it sounds like more going on then you are saying.Four if you give up on you're self and you're dreams then that is you're fault not there's WHY you ask because you are falling in to the game being played.Chin up and walk a straight line and you can have the life you want babies and a good man can out do the past.I know i have been there myself and if i would have gave up i wouldn't have been married for 26 years have three great kids and 11 grand babies all by the age of 42.My life with my husband and kids are way different then when i lived at home for I was able to change what i didn't like and give them better then what i got...GOOD LUCK

  4. Honestly talk with your family about how you feel and how they are effecting you. If you can't do that then you can't move forward atleast in that part of your life. You should also cheer up more because you need to in this difficult time for you. Though things seem tough now know that in time things will get better and that year from now you will smile and say you made it through. Don't let this get the better of you as I'm sure you've got the guts to make it work. Just believe luv

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