
Family problems? Help!?

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Well i saw my sister in law after 3 yrs a couple days ago. After my brother died she cut off all contact with us. Because of family problems. This is how it goes none of my dads family talks to him, so they got her on thier side, and she stopped talking to us. Well i saw her and she gave me a hug, and i told her that i had been wanting to talk to her, she asked how i was, and i gave her my number. The only reason i want to have a small relationship with her is because i will be able to finally see my niece. I dont want to tell my parents because they have had a lot of problems with her. What would u do, do u think she is going to call?




  1. if she really loves you she will call you.

  2. Be a better person and do not be lead around by others problems. If you want to see your niece and have a relationship, your just going to have to let people know your not involved in the problems of the past.  

  3. If you have clearly stated the reason, that you would like to meet your niece, I do not see any reason why your sister in law does not give you call.

    But, If she is not aware of your reason, you need to take a step ahead and try to find out her number from your common family friends.

  4. If the main reason is to see your niece then why not? I think she'll call. Did you get her number?

  5. well if you can still keep your secrets about your sister in law keep it, but not for too long , when you feel your ready to tell your family about it well tell them and explain your side to them, cause somehow they are your family.

    well for me, for her cutting all the ways of communicating to your family it means she knows that she has problems with your family or reverse.

    so she might not call/ or if ever she will call maybe to fix things up between your family and her.

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