
Family tree, henry VIII?

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I am looking for a family tree that goes from king henry VIII first marriage to Queen Elizabeth I




  1. Henry + Catherine of Aragon = Mary Tudor

    Henry divorced Catherine so he could marry Anne Boleyn

    Henry + Anne Boleyn = Elizabeth Tudor aka Elizabeth I of England.

  2. umm....not a large tree, I'm afraid.

    Elizabeth 1st was his daughter from his second marriage to Ann Boleyn

  3. Henry VIII married six times, leaving three children, Edward VI, Queen Mary (Bloody Mary) and Elizabeth I. All died childless, so the family tree doesn't extend further than one generation. However, there are a few dotty claims that Elizabeth I had an illegitemate son.

    The nearest you can get to a legitimate pedigree which includes Henry VIII, descends directly from his sister, Princess Margaret Tudor, who married King James IV of Scotland and leads to the present royal family.

    After the death of Elizabeth I, the English throne passed to her first cousin twice removed, James VI of Scotland, (great grandson of James IV and Margaret) who then became James I of Great Britain. He effectively united both Kingdoms and founded the Stewart dynasty. The line continued to his son Charles I, who was eventually succeeded by his son Charles II, who was in turn succeeded by his brother James II (deposed 1689). William and Mary (Mary being James II's daughter and William, his nephew) ruled jointly. Queen Ann (younger sister of Mary),  died without surviving issue in 1714.

    As the British Government was insistent that there should be no Catholic on the throne, the nearest Protestant relation was Prince George of Hanover who became King George I.  His claim was from his maternal grandmother, Princess Elizabeth of Scotland, also a descendant of Margaret Tudor. Although often described as 'a German' he was only half German a quarter Scots/Welsh and a quarter Bohemian!

    OK, it can be confusing! Should anyone be interested in lines of descent from the earliest English kings and their interconnection to numerous other royal houses (also the family of President George Washington), you could try: 'Royal Highness' Ancestry of the Royal Child;  by Sir Iain Moncrieff of That Ilk, Bt.  It was published in 1982 in anticipation of the birth of the first child of The Prince and Princess of Wales.

  4. The Tudors Family Tree


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