
Famous escalier in Montmartre?

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There's this famous cute escalier (staircase) in Montmartre area, see pic.

I really love it. How can I reach it once in Paris? Is it close to Basilique Sacre Coeur? And how come it's so famous?




  1. That appears to be the stairs that run up to Sacre Coeur from the rue Tardieu.

    Take the Metro to the Abbesses station and then walk east along the rue des  Abbesses to the the intersection with the rue des Martyrs. take a quick left and you will see the rue Yvonne le Tac. Turn right and this street becomes the rue Tardieu. You'll see the stairs (and the funicular which runs next to them) on your left. There will be signs on the street directing you to the funicular.

  2. the pic is of the sacre coeur in montmatre which is in paris and the sacre coeur is like a church and you climb up stairs and at the top of the hill along with a beautifull church there are shops/cafes/ artists all around and also from the top of the hill there are great views of paris you can see everything, including the Eiffel Tour, the views are just amazing!!

  3. If you want some further informations about Montmartre, I've been living in this area for 24 years.

    At that moment the funiculaire is closed, so you are obliged to go up through these stairs...

    I live just near the cabaret : le lapin agile (the smart rabbit)

    You will see the atmosphere in this old place...

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