
Fashion in Italy?

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Hi im going to Italy this summer and i just want to know how the fashion is there ... what brands are in or what they are wearing. anything with help. thanks




  1. Take a look at these links.

  2. I backpacked through Italy in the summer of '04 and I can tell you that Italians are very conscientious of fashion, so much so that I was stared at because my shirt wasn't tucked in (I tucked my shirt in once I realized why I was being stared at).  Many of the top designers in the fashion industry are based in Milan, and the trends generally tend to have a strong European flavor.  If you want to see what people are wearing it Italy, look up Italian-based fashion designers' websites.  This will give you an idea of the sort of styles that are emerging there.

    Be aware that it gets quite hot in Italy.  It is a Mediterranean climate.  With this, I would not suggest dressing very provacatively, but rather more tasteful.  No short shorts.  I would definitely suggest dressing classy.  Also, it is not uncommon for women there to wear sunhats.  I saw many women wearing sunhats in Rome and Milan.  

    Also, If you're planning to visit the Vatican, you must have your shoulders covered, or you will not be permitted inside St. Peters.

    Have fun!  Italy is a beautiful country and the food and wine are top notch!

  3. Compared to other countries, Europeans take much pride into how they look and represent themselves. Out there you wouldn't dare see someone dess like an American with a hoodie and sweats. Besides in this country we tend to wear jeans a lot; which consist majoritity of our wardrobe...there it isn't quite much. Overseas you'll notice that a woman's handbag and high heels are highly important to the outfit. These women dress up everyday and walk in heels for blocks...maybe even perhaps miles. You'll even see men dressed up in work suits...and women dressed up driving their mopeds with their briefcases and purses sitting right under their legs. It's fab...I've never seen anything like it.

    Back in the day it seems as if we had style say before the 1950s, but surely not anymore. We're a very lazy and comfortable society that can sometimes makes Americans be portrayed as slobs or sloppy. And so when we go to visit other countries they can spot us out right away that we're tourist based on how we're dressed, act, speak the language (or even attempt to) because we don't fit in obviously.

    Really any name brands will do.

    *I would suggest packing tank tops t-shirts (white, black, and the in season colors: yellow, orange, green, purple)

    *Perhaps 2 pairs of pants (Khakis: tan/olive, Jeans: Dark blue and black skinny jeans)

    *A light cardigan for when you feel it's a bit chilly: white/black

    *Lots of summer dresses

    *Shoes: Sure get some sandals, but make sure you don't wear flip flops. In Europe it's not a part of their fashion and you'll stand out like a sore thumb that you're a tourist. When I was in Europe in '06 I wore nice semi-dressy clogs, flats, wedges, ballet falts, and heels with a lil' heel. Gladiator sandals would be quite appropriate too.

    *Leggings: black, brown, white and perhaps the in-season colors if your bold and daring (yet Europeans aren't into loud colors)

    *chunky jewelry in the in-season colors

    Keep in mind though, when you're vistiting historic Catholic Churches you may not enter wearing tank tops, showing to much skin (like shorts) because it's considered disrespectful...but if you do cover up with like I mentioned abve wearing the light cardigan.

    Though, I'm a fashionista and when I went to Europe I fitted right was awesome! *smiles* We need to get our glamour back...don't you think? Have fun!

  4. it's very hot here in during the summer so bring a lot of cool, flowy clothing. i recommend knee-length skirts [hoochie jean skirts are not appropriate for visiting churches and also look ridiculous; also wear a shirt that covers your shoulders or bring a wrap to wear for churches], dark jeans, sun dresses, polo shirts, gladiator sandals, flats, sunglasses [italians ALWAYS wear sunglasses], dressier tops, a nice bag and heels. italians look good even when going to the grocery store.

    at night, step it up a notch. silk blouses and dresses are most popular, always worn with heels. accessories [gold and silver] and also very popular.

    if you don't want to be laughed at, don't look like a typical tourist: hat, white tennis shoes, socks, big tshirts, baggy shorts, etc. try and speak the language too - we appreciate it when people try. :)

    typically we do not show off brand names things with logos, etc. we find that tacky. the only things with logos are bags and sunglasses, but we try to keep the bag logos at a minimum. plain leather is much more popular.

  5. the Italians i think are about 2 years behind in fashion.. well they are where i live!! i would just back a bit of everything because the weather in Italy can change very suddenly so i would take the sort of stuff that you wear in your country
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