
Fasting in Ramadan while doing courses?

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I'm a college student and usually Ramadan falls between the semester, and I find it hard to fast then because it's so hard to study. I do 5 courses so I'm always worried that if I don't eat all day, I won't study properly, and therefore fail. This year I really want to fast but I'm still worried about failing my courses. Should I fast?




  1. Well you could have a heavy meal before sunrise and a heavy meal after and try to study before or after sunset if that helps.

  2. Allah will guide you and help you with your studying inshallah. just pray and fast and he will help you.

  3. Yes I definitely think you should fast.  I work full time (with a 1.75 to 2 hour one way commute on public transportation to get to work) and go to school part time.  During Ramadan, on the days that I have class, I will carry a bottle of water and break fast with that during class at the appropriate time.  I will eat food at home when I'm done at school.  It's not so hard if you have faith and put your mind to it.  Just make sure to focus.

  4. Insha ALLAH I'll be starting school this year as a freshman to major in Early Childhood Education.  Ramadan starts September 1st, but classes begin August 25th 2008 so I'll have already made it past the first week of school before Ramadan begins.  But I'll also be working as well maybe 5 days a week to support myself through college since I have very little money coming from FAFSA.  Going to school isn't an excuse to miss your fasts.  Just eat a small meal before Fajr prayer(an hour before Fajr), like toast, and scrambled eggs with a glass of orange juice and that should tie you over until sunset.  

    People exempt from fasting:

    Children under the age of puberty

    Insane or retarded people

    Elderly people, or the chronically ill

    Women during menstruation and during post-natal discharge

    Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

    Sick people

    People under duress (i.e., soldiers)



  6. asalam aleykum sister , i know what you mean i am and engineering college student and i have the same worries but to me there is no excuse, i just pray to allah to give me strength, i am fasting for allah and he asks that of me and every muslim. it is one of the five pillars of islam. inshallah just put your head to it and allah will help, its a test of faith. .

  7. no big deal sis. I took 7 courses last year and one of them was during iftar and went on a couple of hours after iftar. I just use to break my fast with water and had a real meal around 10pm.  

    You'll get through it

  8. Heck yes you should fast!

    my classes start on the first day of ramadan and i am a bit worried about how i am gonna focus but oh well, I am still excited to fast.

    And besides whats more important- your school or fasting for Allah?

  9. It's not optional. If you don't fast maybe Allah will prevent you from passing and then you lost out on your fard fast and your class. You cannot skid the fast.

    The Muslims fought in the battle of Badr while fasting, this was in Summer, in Saudi Arabia and they were outnumbered 3:1. If they can do this, you'll be fine Insha'Allah. Don't give up the after life for what seems good in this world.

  10. Yes you should fast..I am not in school, but I have to work everyday in the heat and hot sun .....I just tell myself  that I can do this ...I am strong person....I follow my faith....I will be a better person, insh'Allah

  11. god understands, when you have a break then go back and makeup for the days you missed. it is to show that you have the willpower and by putting it of for a bit for a perfect reason.

    do it its not a big deal.

  12. you are doing something for allah...and he will reward and help you trust will feel u have more energy studyin when ur fastin...there are many pregnant people that r fasting....and r not harming them or the i dont think it will affect ur studyin.

  13. Some of the food on this link is brain food, like tomatoes, and nuts, stuff you could mush and maybe put in juice and maybe be considered a drink and MAYBE then you are not braking your fast and still fasting and feeding your brain, it is up to you. I use a magic bullet (like a blender) to mush, blend and mash all my stuff up.

  14. having studies is not an excuse for not fasting.  There are tons of people who work all day long outside in the sun and they still fast.  If you do not fast without a valid excuse you will be committing a huge sin.  


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

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