
Father daughter quotes..?

by Guest65171  |  earlier

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only a line or two long. shhort and sweet. just a sometinsometin for fathers day. thanks.




  1. "Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad."


    When i was born,

    You were there to catch me when i fall, whenever and wherever.

    When i said my first words,

    You were there for me,

    to teach me the whole dictionary if need be.

    When i took my first steps,

    You were there to encourage me on.

    When i had my first day at school,

    you were there to give me advice and help me with my homework.

    I still havent finished school,

    or walked down the aisle, or had my first child.

    But i know you will be there for me through all these times and more, the good and bad.

    So i just wrote this to say 'I LOVE YOU DAD!!!'

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