
Fatherhood by choice?

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If women have an ironclad right to decide if they want to be a mother(pill,Plan B,abortion,implants,adoption) shouldn't men be afforded similar rights?(with the exeption of married couples).

Right now guy's have no right's exept for genital mutilation(sterilization) and abstinence. But yet are expected to pick up most of the responcibility. Heck your gf could give you oral and she could impregnate herself,admit it to the judge and would still be able to financially destroy you.

Isnt it time that equal reproductive rights where extended to male citizens as well?




  1. umm.....the man made the choice to have s*x, sorry if you don't like abstinence but get over it. If you are not ready to take responsibility for your actions you should not be having s*x end of story.

  2. Only to the extent that men should have their own birth control pills and the ability to financially opt out (in cases of unplanned pregnancies). That's about as equal as you can get as long as women are the carriers.

  3. Most men already have this one figured out.

    1. Condoms

    2.  Male birth control pill

    3.  Abstinence.

    4. Vasectomy

    5..  Some sense of accountability for where one's p***s is at all times.  Maybe a GPS device for the very confused?

  4. In my case I had no choice/right.  My ex lied to me and said she couldn't get pregnant because she had an operation to her ovaries.  She even produced a document stating the operation.

    She already had a 12 year old son I took care of.

    Imagine my surprise when after our wedding she announced she was pregnant.  Nothing like a woman lying.  Everything she told me before our marriage was a lie.

    Of course I am happy to have a son.  But I didn't want to bring up a child in this crazy world.  Also I went thru a divorce and never wanted to put a child of mine thru that.

  5. Whatever happened to the good old condom....Geez...It's not that complicated..If you don't protect yourself then take of your seed without complaints..

  6. First of all, as far as the birth control goes, if you use a condom, you both know you're protected 99.9%.  Also, if you only have s*x with people you are in a relationship with, really know and have discussed what will happen in the event of an unplanned pregancy then you will not be shocked later.

    I think abortion should be illegal as it is murder, so that should not even be an issue.  As far as adoption goes, as long as the mother is saying who the father is, he has to sign off on the adoption also, or it is not legal.

  7. When we have rights over your body, you can have rights over ours.  Don't blame us, blame nature.

  8. " Isnt it time that equal reproductive rights where extended to male citizens as well? "

    Absolutely! I support 100% a man's right to choose what to do with his own body!  :)

  9. How far does the pendulum have to swing before people begin to display any shred of personal responsibility?

    s*x is great fun when you play with a partner who wants the same things you want.  It can become a nightmare when you are playing with the wrong partner or for the wrong reasons.

  10. Oh, yeah, its totally time. That is, as long as its time for you to walk around with a giant gut for 9 months and explain to people why you are this way, though you are not married,  and push something this big "--------------" thru something this big "---".

    You're an a*****e.

  11. Mate, if you're with a woman who would let you c*m in her mouth then impregnates herself secretly, you're dating the WRONG girls!!!

  12. A vasectomy is "genital mutilation"?

    In your case, after reading all the whining, I think a vasectomy on your part would be a favor to the human gene pool.

  13. I think they call it a condom.

    edit-if that worries you destroy it after or use it combined with a spermicide - easy. Personally I wouldn't want your sperm.

  14. There should be far more easier and less drastic ways to protect yourself for men AND for couples.

    This website shows some very interesting things in the making, but unfortunately wont be on the market for years.

    These types of male contraxceptives which don't have side effects benefit couples and women as women's contracpetives are hormone based, the major side effect being 'low libido'.

    You may also be interested in something natural called Neem which I have been looking at lately.

    EDIT: Also although women have all the 'choices' this is a double sided sword because it means that all of the respnsbility is placed on their shoulders.

  15. It's certainly never going to be equal as long as we have pro-choicers saying its all about the woman's choice.

    I suppose that's why abortion is such a huge issue, because it's clearly unequal that men have no say in it. Yet, some argue that it's still fair. That's the moot point

    Edit: so the argument is then (from what I've seen from other posters) men have to take responsibility for their actions yet the same doesn't extend to women who obviously can make use of plan B (abortion) should they so choose.. interesting.. hypocritical?

    p.s. I'm sure I could find vast inconsistencies by saying that once a man's s***n enters a woman it's her property... but that's another debate

    edit: wow that is interesting kris.. obviously the fairness of that is debateable too since like people say it takes two to tango and therefore isn't that his contribution to half a baby..

    edit: donnies that was just a trite statement.. it means nothing at all because it's not an argument.

  16. Just don't get down and dirty with someone if you don't want the possible ramifications.

    Deal with it man. If she wasn't worth having a child with, she's not worth losing your load with. Try p**n or something instead and quit whinging.

    I think you need to stop freaking out about evil women. If you fear them so much, turn g*y, or stop being an absolute chauvanist.

  17. There is equal reproductive rights....if both partners consent, then both parties are responsible for the pregnancy. If you, as a man, consent to ANY sexual encounter, oral, anal...etc.. and a child is created it is your responsibility just as much as it is the woman's. Yes, women have a choice to keep the pregnancy or terminate, men have the option to either give up paternal rights, pay for the plan b pill or termination, or pay child support or even have the option of raising the child without the mother. Bottom line, do not engage in any activity that involves your sperm, if you do not want a potential pregnancy.

    Question though about why you singled out married men. Why should they have less rights in regards to pregnancy? Just because a man is married, does not mean he wants children, or that his wife cannot use devious means to get pregnant against the father's wishes. Why leave them out?

  18. if enough men denied women s*x, you might change the power dynamic...
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