
Fav queen or king???

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whats your favorite queen or king

from any country from any centurey




  1. my fav queen id queen latifa

  2. I have to say that even though she was not the best queen, Marie Antionette is my favorite queen. It wasn't her fault she wasn't a proper queen. Her nor her husband was not properly taught and receiving the crown at a young age just made things worse. She had no idea what she was doing, pretty much. But you have to admit she was the most fashionable thing in the 18th century.

  3. Queen Silvia of Sweden

  4. For interest, Henry VIII of England, but Elizabeth I if your talking best/most successful in my opinion.

  5. Queen Elizabeth I of England....I'm not from England of anything.....but I do have a fascination for the Tudor Dynasty!  Elizabeth is my Fave because she did not get Married...and at that time in History it was unheard of not to get married if you were a monarch....she had some balls not to follow in tradition and to give her council....the big fat finger...when the proposed marriage!  Kudos to Elizabeth!!!

  6. Czar Nicholas...thats kinda like a king.

  7. Burger King, hahahaha!!!

    Seriously. The Catholic Kings (Spain). They expelled the Muslims from the Iberian peninsula and united Spain under one flag. Also started the building of the empire and during their time America was discovered.


  8. well

    the Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix

  9. Bodacia everytime, tried to give women equal rights even in the face of Roman occupation.

  10. queen victoria of england

  11. The last Tsar of Imperial Russia, Nicholas II and his entire family, children, wife and parents.

    In Memory:

        89 years ago last week, the Imperial Family of Russia-- Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra, Tsarist Alexis, and the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia; were all assassinated in the Iptaiv house in Ekaterinburg at the hands of the Bolsheviks on Lenin's orders, along with their two others and eventually other friends and family of theirs, only to have their murder covered up as much as possible

    May they rest in Peace

  12. Marie Antoinette. She was so strong. A teen on the throne? she handled it pretty well considering.

  13. Queen Victoria

  14. all are from India

    King Pauras... who fought with Alexander the Great

    King Janak.. from India  around 5000 years back..

    King Vikram.. 2100 years back..

    King Ranjit Singh.. . not more than 500 years back  , but his horse had the most decorated diamond called Kohinoor now with English museum

    King Pratap , who fought against Moguls Kings

    .King Prithvi Raj Chauhan, who defeated the coward invader  Mohamed Ghori ,  7 times and chased him out beyond boundaries of Afghanistan (this was boundary of then India) but let him go alive. and at last succumbed to tragic defeat at the hands of Ghori himself.. (a very brave, strong and also a lion hearted  king ... his powerful story is very exciting..  there you may read somewhere if you like

  15. King Tut.

    Queen/Pharaoh Hatshepsut.

  16. Elizabeth I

    Henry VIII

    consorts--Katherine d'Valois (Henry V of England), Anne Boleyn
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