
***Favorite/Least Favorite Household Chore???***?

by  |  earlier

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Talking w/ a new friend recently, I discovered we are both Aquarius's & we both love/hate the same chores!

It's kinda a quirky idea, but I wanna see whether there may be any discernable correlation between zodiac sign and preferred chores. So...

...What's your sign?

...Which chore is your favorite?

...Which is your least favorite?

(Potential choices include, but are not limited to: washing dishes, vacuuming/sweeping/mopping, doing laundry, putting clean clothes away, ironing, general "tidying up", scrubbing the toilet/tub/sink, dusting ... Feel free to write in other stuff that I've forgotten to list!...)




  1. I'm a capricorn

    My favorite chore is sweeping

    Mt least favorite are the dishes

  2. my fav is vacuuming, all you do is push!

    my least fav is cleaning the bathroom, and dishes!

    I am a Cancer!

  3. hiiiiii!

    im aires ,

    and my favourite chore is : i luv to clean my room( sounds really weird!)

    but i like to be organized, i dont know if that has to do with my sign though!

    My Least Fav: is cleaning the bathroom ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww i hate it!

  4. Doing laundry is my favorite (mostly cause the washing machine does it for me :P )

    Scrubbing the tub is the least favorite.

  5. I'm a Pisces and I don't mind doing the laundry and folding and putting away freshly laundered items, washing dishes, dusting, vacuuming, mopping the floors.

    My least favorites are ironing, washing windows, and cleaning blinds....

  6. Hahahahahaha what a coincidence today i did my household.

    If i may telling the truth i hate it to do household stuff but i have to because litte dwarfs won't do it for me.

    Anyways.... let me answer your questions.

    What's your sign? Leo

    Wich chore is your favorite?

    Actualy none but i kind of like to vacuum and then sweeping my house. Clear up the dust from t.v and other things, Doing the dishes clean the bathroom.

    I hate: Here it comes lol

    Scrubbing the toilet Clean my whole cooking rage including the oven. Clean the windows and i have lots of windows in my house. Clean the kitchen kabinet. and other cabinet where i put my gain and another one.

  7. Sign: Aries.

    Favourite chore: Well, I like cleaning the living room in my house, doing laundry, and dare I my bathroom.

    Least favourite chore: Cleaning my room. It's hard when one person is moving out of the room you're moving into. It stays clean for the most part though!

  8. My sign is Virgo.

    Favorite chore: Watering house plants or dusting/vacuuming

    Least Favorite: Cleaning kitty litter box or toilet  (I have to wash my hands 100 times during and after these 2)

  9. Cancer

    I like rearranging the furniture after a good scrub. A new look is a good thing right? (but, I always run into things when coming home from an all-night bender.)

    I despise cleaning the toilets. (especially after an all-night bender) eeeeewwww!

  10. I'm a Pisces.

    My favorite chore is doing the ironing because it is mindless, allows me to think and daydream but also soothes the occasional perfectionist in me (razor sharp creases etc) LOL.

    I don't like any other chore particularly, but probably more than the others, I hate washing dishes. I will allow my coffee mugs to pile up until there are no more clean ones left... THEN I will wash dishes.

  11. I enjoy cleaning as it is a free source of exercise and it relaxes me to live in a clean sanitary environment. i am capricorn. so the chores I dont mind or rather am fond of would be: doing laundry, washing down counters, cleaning the microwave, bathing my pet cat and brushing her, taking care of my hamster and snake tanks, watering and trimming my plant, dusting etc. so on so forth.

    I dont like however to do anything where i have to touch anything icky. if it would not be safe to eat i would not want to touch it. my fiance bought me disposible gloves because he knows I HATE touching things unsanitary. lysol and other disinfectants are my best friends! i get sick a lot when my home isn't cleaned properly. so it is no wonder.

    so I hate to clean my cats litter box, take out the garbage or cleaning the garbage can, wash the toilet, washing dishes(they always have leftover bits of food and grease on them, yuck!), cleaning up snake p**p, mopping the floors, cleaning a spill in the fridge etc. anything that you wouldn't l**k that needs to be cleaned, I hate doing it!

  12. im not such a chore person but of course they gotta be done lolz.

    favorite would be cleaning windows! cuz its fun spraying and then wiping it shiny clean, lolz

    least would be mopping the floor... cuz if u step on the wet spot with ur shoe.. u gotta mop those areas again!

    im a sagittarius

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